Staff & contacts

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Staff & contacts

Hui Zhang

Advanced Imaging Specialist


T +61 2 8627 3212




Hui Zhang obtained a Master degree in Microscopy and Microanalysis from the University of Sydney in 2011. She has been systematically trained on optical and electron microscopy through her Master’s study. She obtained her PhD from the University of Sydney in 2016, investigating the biological functions of a unique protease in liver diseases. During her postdoctoral position, working on the development of a novel liver cancer mouse model, she has developed a promising therapy for liver cancer by targeting the unique protease in the liver. Hui has gained broad knowledge in the research fields of metabolism, immunoregulation and cancer, and has further developed extensive experience in operation of a wide range of microscopy equipment during her PhD research and her post-doc research projects. Since late 2011, Hui joined WIMR, as an imaging specialist, and continued to support research by providing assistance with a variety of microscopy technologies.

In addition, Dr Hui Zhang has a wealth knowledge of optical imaging in small animals. She has 11 years’ experience in animal research and animal welfare, including mouse and rat. She has extensive experience in small animal handling, monitoring, husbandry, procedures including ip. iv. sc. tail vein injections, blood collection, and abdominal surgery. She had previous experience in using IVIS imaging system for mouse tumour progression monitoring.

Hong Yu

Advanced Cell Imaging Specialist

T +61 2 8627 3211




Hong Yu graduated with a degree in Medicine from the Southeast University in Nanjing, China. She obtained her PhD in Biotechnology from Macquarie University Australia in 2010. Hong’s PhD thesis was on visualisation of protein secretion pathways in an industrially important fungus where she mastered her skills and experience in both light and electron microscopy. Since 2007 Dr Yu has further developed her professional expertise in microscopy applied to research through her role as Manager of the Cell Imaging Facility, the Westmead Institute for Medical Research (WIMR), where she has trained and collaborated with a range of different teams within the WIMR. Since 2011, with her contribution in assistance with a variety of microscopy technologies, Hong has co-authored 7 publications in journals and 11 oral and/or post presentations at international conferences by 2018. Dr Yu has continued in this role and has played an important part in the expansion of the Westmead Imaging Facility to the new building (June 2014).

Dr Hong Yu obtained her animal model experience from her Masters study and early years career in China as an assistant university lecturer in China. Her animal work experience includes animal handling/monitoring, peritoneal and tail vein injections, terminal processing of tissues including bone & bone marrow, spleen and kidney etc.

Suat Dervish

Westmead Cytometry, Imaging, & Electron Microscopy Manager

T +61 2 8627 1820



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