Adding new project to CICD pipelines

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Adding new project to CICD pipelines

Below are the steps on how to create a feature branch for your project on CICD

As a future enhancement, we can create a develop branch where we can use as a central “develop” hub and this will be used by all projects. In this way we don’t need to add these every time we introduce a new project. The process in the future would be:

  • create a branch from develop with the name of the user story

  • the new branch can be linked to a scratch org or a dev sandbox

  • once dev completes, we pull request to develop and approved as per usual - this will not run pipelines

  • at a certain point of time we merge from develop to sit - this will run the pipeline to test if all develop items are OK to go to sit

  • business as usual from sit to uat and uat to master

1. Go to uos-sfdx connected app on the new dev sandbox of the new project

  • Setup > quick find “App Manager”

  • Click on “Manage Consumer Details” to find the consumer key

  • take note of Consumer Key (to be used on the next step)

2. Add repository variables on Bitbucket

  • Go to the Bitbucket admin page https://bitbucket.org/sydneyuni/uos-sfdx/admin

  • Scroll down until you see Repository Variables. Add two entries - Consumer Key and Username

    • the Consumer key is the one you copied from new dev sandbox

    • the Username you put on here will be the user used to deploy the delta changes on the org

      • can be a service user or your system admin user

3. Update oft-init-auth-and-validate.sh script on the repo (found on dev-tools-scripts/ folder)

  • include username on IF condition around line 148

    • copy the elif/then (else if) format from the existing projects (or use the sample template below)

    • make sure the CONSUMER_KEY and USER_NAME represents the repository variables you entered on Bitbucket

Sample template for oft-init-auth-and-validate.sh


4. Update the oft-init-auth-and-deploy.sh script on the repo (found on dev-tools-scripts/ folder)

  • include username on IF condition around line 120

    • copy the elif/then (else if) format from the existing projects (or use the sample template below)

    • make sure the CONSUMER_KEY and USER_NAME represents the repository variables you entered on Bitbucket

Sample template for oft-init-auth-and-deploy.sh


After setting all these up, you should now be able to deploy from that project to SIT as per normal


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