AVE-284 / TAPSS-1126 Unit Testing Scripts

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AVE-284 / TAPSS-1126 Unit Testing Scripts

I. Add to Campaign

  1. Open/Create a Campaign with Parent Campaign named 'Influential Alumni and Supporters Master List' and confirm this is existing

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 4.08.55 AM.png
  1. Add a Contact on the Campaign

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 4.09.40 AM.png
  1. Check for the following on the Contact record

    1. Expect the field 'Is Influential Alumni' to be set to true

b. Expect an alert to be created on the Contact record


II. Remove from Campaign

  1. Open a Campaign record where the following is true

    1. Parent Campaign is 'Influential Alumni and Supporters Master List'

    2. Campaign member is existing

  1. Confirm that the Contact has an Alert for Influential Alumni and has 'Is Infuential Alumni' set to true

  1. Delete the Campaign member record to test

  1. Check the related Contact record and check for the following:

    1. Expect the field 'Is Influential Alumni' to be set to false

b. Expect the alert to be set with an End date and not show on Contact Alert

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