UAT - AQ v26, Smart batch 1.0

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UAT - AQ v26, Smart batch 1.0

New features/Functionality








Add the field Smart Batch 2.0 to the page layout for Open Batches to allow toggle between Smart Batch 1.0 and 2.0.




A new field has been added, Initial Amount Pledged.  This field totals the Amount of all Batch Item Transactions with a Type of Pledge during batch processing.  

It is not a formula field and is never updated by the software after initial calculation.  It can be updated manually.



Utility: The Decease Utility will no longer overwrite the End Date or change the Status of an Employment row if the End Date is populated.

decease the contact



Employment record after decease



FYI - if the DOD is earlier than the start date then we get a error the same as we do in production currently.


Decease Utility - If the End Date is not populated, the utility will populate the End Date with the date of death if known and will change the Status to "No Longer at this Position."


After deceasing:


Known issue:

End date is displayed as yesterday’s date if the changes are made before 10AM



Decease Utility - If the End Date is not populated, the utility will populate the current date if the date of death is not known and will change the Status to "No Longer at this Position."


After deceasing

Known issue:

End date is displayed as yesterday’s date if the changes are made before 10AM


Defect Fixes

Add Transaction to Existing Gift - Gift Recognition Credits process incorrectly with this Entry Type

To reproduce:

Create a new Gift/Pledge Batch

Go to Batch Items

Select an Account that already has a Gift

Set Entry Type to 'Add Transaction to Existing Gift'

Process, save, and close the Batch

Observe the GRCs created and updated for the updated Gift/Pledge record: a new row (per Contact) is processed, and the original row is updated with the new amounts from the Additional Transaction and the new rows sum up with the amounts from the original row, resulting in the Legal Credit % being greater than 100%

Expected behavior - Gift Recognition rows are created correctly

Updating the Account on a Batch Item does not Update the Contacts on the Gift Recognition Credit rows

To reproduce:

Enter a gift in Smart Batch and save

Verify Batch Item Recognition Credits have been created for the Batch Item

Edit the Batch Item and change the Account on the Batch Item and save

View the Batch Item Recognition Credits - the Contacts are the Contacts from the original Account

Close the Batch

View the processed Gift - the gift will be on the correct Account, the Gift Recognition Credit rows will be for the Contacts on the original Account

Expected behavior - Contact on the Gift Recognition Credits are updated





Gift Recognition rows are created correctly


@Ana Simic not sure if we’ve raised this before but this one is a welcome fix. I’d recommend to check this on split legal credit as well, also with soft credit.















@rommel.ngo @Sushma Ramachandrappa
Note: we will only need to edit or add to the GRC if the spouse is deceased (they won’t automatically pull in) or if the GRC is incorrect on the account/contact level.

When the account is changed to a company it does not force you to change the signator (open to user error) on the batch item but it does remove the GRC row.

Defect fix-2375-001

Third Party Payoff and Third Party Payment are both checked on a Soft Credit used to pay down a pledge when hard credit is voided and corrected

Steps to reproduce:

Create a pledge with a single payment on an Individual Account

Reduce the pledge on the Individual Account by making a hard credit gift from a Foundation and using Save and Add Soft Credit

In a Gift/Pledge batch, use Void and Correct to change the Designation on the hard credit gift.

The resulting Soft Credit transaction that is now being used to reduce the pledge on the individual will have both Third Party Payment and Third Party Payoff will be checked


Pledge on individual

after correction



after correction




I can only see one tick box on the soft credit:

Confirmed by Rommel on the back end that the Third Party Payment check box is false on the soft credit.



Soft credits are created as Batch Item Automated Soft Credits

Batch proof report shows in its separate section with information about the anonimity of the gift as well as the credit, and it also shows the pledge being played.




Create a batch with “Gift date” and “Gift credit date” fields checked on the batch

“Gift date” and “Gift credit date” fields must be displayed while adding a batch item






Pledge Soft Credits Written Off when Pledges are Written Off in Contact Utilities

  • create pledge from a household account with pledge soft credit to an organization account

  • decease contact and write off open pledges

Pledge Soft Credit has been written off





Primary and Secondary Contact checkboxes throw component errors when toggled

  • decease a contact

This error message do not appear





Receipting Utility Date fields work as expected for orgs in Australian timezone

  • find an transaction that is not voided and that has not been receipted and is created before 10am

    in backend the creation date is in previous day

  • Run receitping utility for that date

receipting utility should pick up the transaction as transaction for that day rather than yesterday


Smart Batch 1.0 testing (Complex Scenarios)


AC2 (GA process remains the same and unaffected by the upgrade)

Gift from a foundation with soft credit to a multi contact household with 50/50 LC

  • create/prepare the household account

  • Create/prepare the foundation account


  • create the gift with soft credit


gift and soft credit are created

Soft Credit has GRC

Legal credit should be 0




Accidentally discovered as having been fixed in v25

Indirect Contact Auto Gift Recognition

  • create an indirect relationship with Award Credit set to true

  • Enter a gift on the Account

  • Same scenario for Ord with indirect contact

GRC credit awarded without error

for Org with indirect contact GRC

for reference, in v24 it would give this error icon and cannot close the batch



AC2 (GA process remains the same and unaffected by the upgrade)

Transferring an Org Gift or an fully paid pledge from holding to a new designation with soft credit to a household account

  • create a Pledge with full payment on Org that has been soft credited to a household account whose contact is indirectly linked to the org account with auto award soft credit



  • create the pledge



Note that this is a hypothetical scenario which results to two GRC on the same contact, one through GRC on Soft Credit and the other is through automatic award of GRC on the Gift itself. User should be aware not to do this as it duplicates the GRC records.

User should choose either to award GRC through the indirect relationship or through the creation of Soft Credit Gift


Soft Credit


As mentioned this scenario resulted to two GRC on the contact



AC2 (GA process remains the same and unaffected by the upgrade)

Continuation from previous test

  • Pay the pledge

Pledge is paid

Soft Credit also paid





AC2 (GA process remains the same and unaffected by the upgrade)

Continuation from previous test

  • Void and correct the Gift/Pledge, as paid down pledge (or any pledge with payment) does not offer Void Transaction and Add Correction, do a void of the payment first, then can use a Batch Correction to correct an unpaid pledge (note that Void and Add Correction is not available even after payment has been cancelled) then enter the payment again with the new designation.

Note that in version 27, user can use Batch Correction to correct a paid pledge with Bulk entry. Eliminating the process of voiding the payment, transferring to a new designation and entering the payment again.

Bulk Corrections

In Gift/Pledge Corrections Batches, Gifts and Pledges can now be searched for on Gift/Pledge Number allowing for the update of Gifts and Pledges (including closed Pledges) to be done in a single step for change of Designation.

  • void payment first

  • note “Void and add Correction is still not available, so one has to do Batch Correction instead

    use Batch Correction instead

  • add back the payment

Payment and Soft Credit Pledge are Voided

After Batch Correction, both Pledge and Soft Credit Pledge are corrected

After entering the new payment on new Designation




AC2 (GA process remains the same and unaffected by the upgrade)

Convert a gift to pledge payment

  • Enter a pledge

  • Enter a payment

  • convert gift to pledge payment

Gift has been voided


payment has been applied to pledge





AC2 (GA process remains the same and unaffected by the upgrade)

ASOP recurring gift payment Batch

Captured 4 cards due next month and a batch was auto created. All batch items are linked to the recurring gift and pledge.


Smart Batch 1.0 testing (Simple Scenarios)


AC2 (GA process remains the same and unaffected by the upgrade)

PeopleSoft Integration, Validation
- set Batch Review Status to Ready for Validation

Batch Should be either Validated Successfully or Not




Establishing a new recurring gift.

  1. Create draft payment schedule

  2. Generate payment schedule which will auto create a BT transaction, recurring gift and pledge batch.

  3. Close the pledge batch to create the pledge in the donors account.

  4. Check next due dates on BT transaction and recurring gift align and BT transaction is ready to capture.

New recurring continuity pledge has been created and linked to the recurring gift object.

The payment schedule is active and linked to the recurring gift object.

The BT transaction due date and recurring gift due date match.




Auto creation of a credit card batch

  1. Authorise transaction via the virtual terminal

  2. Capture the transaction via the BT Transaction list view.

  3. Check the auto created batch and batch items.

New transaction would authorise successfully.

New transaction would capture successfully.

Batch will auto create with batch item and batch item transaction.

Batch is auto assigned to the user who captured the transaction.

Batch item is linked to the BT transaction that was captured.



Create and modify from holding a 3rd party pledge payment.

  1. Pay down a pledge by a 3rd party. E.g. the pledge is in the foundation name but an individual is making the payment.

  2. Close the batch and the payment will appear as a soft credit row in the pledge.


  3. Modify the pledge and payments from holding to a new account in 3 modification batches. a) void the 3rd party payment.

    b) modify the pledge.

    c) re-enter the 3rd party payment.

3rd party payment would successfully pay down the instalment on the pledge.

3rd party payment and pledge would successfully transfer to the new designation.



Creating a Bequest budget and make the deceased contact the signator

  1. Create a planned gift pledge on the Estate account.

  2. Save the gift. Go into the batch item and edit the signator to the deceased person.

No longer able to give 0% legal credit and 100% GRC to a deceased contact if they are a direct contact of the Estate but you can make them a signator after saving the batch.

Waiting until we can use the signator relationship type to have a signator appear in smartbatch.



Create a Multi designation pledge and add a payment.

  1. Create a batch item with multiple schedules. One schedule for each designation.

  2. Create a gift batch and make a payment against the pledge with the payment to be split between the designations.

Pledge is successfully created with multiple designations.

Pledge is successfully paid down with one payment splitting into the two designations.



Run reports from smartbatch e.g batch approval report, imodules batch proof, credit card batch proof.

  1. Batch approval report located on all batches.

  2. Credit card batch proof report located on credit card batches only,

  3. Imodules batch report located on imodules batches only

Successfully run all reports from the batch.




Cheque batch - (check custom fields) add cheque details in description field and check that they appear in the corresponding fields in the batch item.

Change cheque dates using the 'Usyd Batch date' option on the batch details screen.

Add a bequest intention task to a cheque gift from the batch item transaction screen.

Check details transfer automatically from the description field into the batch item bank, BSB and drawer fields.

New bequest task is created successfully from the batch item transaction screen.

Batch dates, batch item dates and batch transaction dates are all updated to the date entered into the Usyd Bank date change function.




  1. Run receipting utility

  2. Generate and attach receipt via Apsona.

  3. Check that the pdf is attached to the receipt object.

  4. Check that the email template is correct.

Receipt object is successfully created.

Apsona report generated a reciept, attaches the PDF receipt to the receipt object and emails the donor using the email receipt template.

@Sushma Ramachandrappa to successfully test this I will need emails turned on in UAT. I have already raised this as part of MA testing.

Email and none email receipts have been generated and attached to the receipt object.

Email template wording is correct and receipt was successfully emailed.

Issues with salutation in the address block of receipts:
Extra space where there is no salutation (to be raised as an enhancement request):

Missing name (the receipt looks at the primary and secondary fields in the account all details tab):


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