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Capturing centralised knowledge on a field by field basis ensuring uniformity and data quality


Salesforce Object

Field Name/s

Field Description

Business Rule

Data Quality Rule

Business Rule Committee Approval Date

Lightning Contact Utilities

Lightning Contact Utilities - Join

Duplicate Contacts

Lightning Contact Utilities

Lightning Contact Utilities - Separate


Lightning Contact Utilities

Lightning Contact Utilities - Decease


Lightning Contact Utilities

Account Create

Utility to create account and contact.

AQ Managed - Can only use for household records / Cant use for organizational records - Cant restrict




Lost: a contact who does not have any active modes of contact (excludes LinkedIn URL)

Official USyd definition of “Lost Contact” : Strict - All fields in all the contact methods must be blank, (as opposed to incomplete addresses where some fields are blank and make the contact uncontactable).

ISBLANK( Phone ),
ISBLANK( MobilePhone ),
ISBLANK( HomePhone ),
ISBLANK( AQB__BusinessPhone__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__MobileWork__c ),
ISBLANK( AssistantPhone ),
ISBLANK( OtherPhone ),
ISBLANK( Email ),
ISBLANK( AQB__PersonalEmail__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__BusinessEmail__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__SchoolEmail__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Best_Contact_Email__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__OtherEmail__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__BusinessAddress__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_Street__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_City__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_State__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_Country__c ),
ISBLANK( OtherStreet ),
ISBLANK( OtherCity ),
ISBLANK( OtherState ),
ISBLANK( OtherPostalCode ),
ISBLANK( OtherCountry )


Contactable Alumni Report

Official report in the Executive folder

Total Alumni minus:

  • Deceased Alumni,

  • Lost - i.e. all contact method fields isnull

  • Do Not Contact / Do Not Call / Do Not Mail

  • Mailing Address Status = Inactive, Partial Address, Return to Sender


Account Name

AVE-105 - Getting issue details... STATUS

AVE-212 - Getting issue details... STATUS

AVE-105 Household Account Name


Account Mailing Address


  1. Address Formatting Business Rules

  2. At the point, contact type is moved from Graduand to Alumni, all Student Accomodation addresses/Emails ( should be deactivated and deleted from the main page.



A star is awarded for each of the following five conditions: having a giving record, having a pending opportunity, having a largest gift over a defined amount, having a total amount of giving over a defined amount, and having made a payment this year.

Not used (See if can be removed from layout)



Most Recent Gift/Pledge Date

The date of the most recent gift.

Pulling any gift / pledge - does it do soft credits? Hard vs Soft Credits - includes soft credits


Account Type

A picklist of the highest level categorization of this Account. The category can be further described in the Secondary Type field.

AVE-15 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This is a standard Salesforce field.

All Household Accounts are set as Type = Household

All Non-Household Accounts are set as Type = Organisation


Is Active Prospect?

Checkbox, Describes whether a prospect is active or Inactive. For example, inactive in case of deceased.

Checkbox, Describes whether a prospect is active or Inactive. For example, inactive in case of deceased.

Account Information

Prospect Manager

The Prospect Manager for this Account.

The Prospect Manager for this Account.

Account Information

Account Name Override

Account Information

Primary Contact / Secondary Contact

This account does not have a Primary or Secondary Contact assigned.

  • Household accounts MUST always have at least a primary contact.

  • Corporations do not, only needed to have a direct contact to receipt gifts.

  • Contact can only have 1x direct linkage to account.

  • Kids on the account need to have their own account when they turn 18. (Less than 18 cannot have own account).

  • If only 1x contact and deceased, the account name gets moved to the estate. (Estate of the late …) → Harpreet does that.

Account Information

Do Not Contact

Account Information

Do Not Solicit

Account Information

Do Not Mail

Account Information

Account Record Type

Account Mailing Address

Account Mailing Address


  1. Address Formatting Business Rules

  2. At the point, contact type is moved from Graduand to Alumni, all Student Accomodation addresses/Emails ( should be deactivated and deleted from the main page.

Account Mailing Address

Mailing Address Type

Account Mailing Address

Mailing Address Status

Account Mailing Address

RTS Reason

Account Mailing Address


Account Phone is designed to represent the Phone number of the Physical Location eg The Household/Home Phone number, Non-Household Account the Business number. This number will be displayed on direct contacts.

Phone can be found on both the Household and the Non-Household Account.

Account Phone = Home Phone

Mobile Phone = Individual Phone

Account Permanent Address




Contact Type /

Secondary Contact Type

Categorisation of the contact & contact pairs.


  1. No empty primary contact type

  2. Primary contacts can only be as per the list in AVE-16

  3. “Parent of Student - Alumni” cannot be primary, only secondary

  4. Secondary contact type is as per the table values in Jira ticket (AVE-16 Contact Types )

  5. Never have friend as secondary contact

  6. If contact type is empty, then should default to Friend.




Affinaquest Salutations Derivation


Do Not Contact


Do Not Solicit



Lightning Contact Utilities

Can only be done by the GA Team


Is Influential Alumni



Lost: a contact who does not have any active modes of contact (excludes LinkedIn URL)

Official USyd definition of “Lost Contact” : Strict - All fields in all the contact methods must be blank, (as opposed to incomplete addresses where some fields are blank and make the contact uncontactable).

ISBLANK( Phone ),
ISBLANK( MobilePhone ),
ISBLANK( HomePhone ),
ISBLANK( AQB__BusinessPhone__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__MobileWork__c ),
ISBLANK( AssistantPhone ),
ISBLANK( OtherPhone ),
ISBLANK( Email ),
ISBLANK( AQB__PersonalEmail__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__BusinessEmail__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__SchoolEmail__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Best_Contact_Email__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__OtherEmail__c ),
ISBLANK( AQB__BusinessAddress__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_Street__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_City__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_State__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c ),
ISBLANK( USYD_Contact_Mailing_Country__c ),
ISBLANK( OtherStreet ),
ISBLANK( OtherCity ),
ISBLANK( OtherState ),
ISBLANK( OtherPostalCode ),
ISBLANK( OtherCountry )

Contact Primary Diploma/Degree

Contact Address Preference

Contact Mailing Address


  1. Address Formatting Business Rules

  2. At the point, contact type is moved from Graduant to Alumni, all Student Accommodation addresses/Emails ( should be deactivated and deleted from the main page.

Contact Address Preference

Address Preference

A read only field used to indicate what type of address the contact current mailing address is associated. The valid values are “Account Mailing”, “Business”, or “Alternate”,

AVE-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Household = Auto Defaulted to ‘Account Mailing’.

Corporation = Business Mailing.

AVE-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Contact Address Preference

Mailing Address Status

Mailing Address Status indicates whether the Mailing Address is Active, Inactive, RTS etc.

For manual data entry, if a standard TAP user updates the address, the Mailing Address Status is automatically set to ‘Active’

For mass data activity such as re-formatting and data cleansing, it is imperative that users extract the Mailing Address Status along with the address details and re-upload the reformatted data with the pre-existing status. This will prevent Inactive, Last Known, RTS data being incorrectly marked as Active.

Contact Address Preference

Mailing Address Type

A Description of the nature of the address information, such as residence, business, etc. [Drop down list with selection: Home, Business, Vacation, Other Sydney Student Mailing Address, etc.

AVE-187 - Getting issue details... STATUS - See ticket for development and final values

  • Permanent address = Home Address;

  • Business address = Business Address;

  • SITS Address = Sydney Student Contact Address

  • Internal USYD Address

  • PO Boxes = Postal Address


Default to Home Address for Household and Business Address for Organisations

Contact Address Preference

RTS Reason


Address DPID

‘Address DPID’ is a USYD Custom field. It holds an eight digit numerical value.

This field contains the eight digit Delivery Point Identifier (DPID) associated with a unique address in Australia. The Delivery Point Identifier (DPID) is a randomly generated, unique 8-digit number, which is allocated for every new address added to the Australia Post source address database. All DPIDs for complete addresses fall within the range of 30000000 to 99999999.

A workflow is in place that if the Address is updated to a new value, the DPID will be stripped from the field to ensure it remains consistent with the address.

DPID will not be added uniquely by a user, without an on screen validation tool within salesforce, this field will be updated on mass through the validation of address data through applications like Experian.

Address data will be validated and DPID supplied to associated address by validation tools. DPID numerical value will be imported into the ‘Address DPID’ field.

Address DPID should be exported along with address fields on all print mail lists eg Direct Mail Appeals, SAM Print

Contact Phone and Email Preference

Phone Preference

Drop Down box with the values of the 4x Telephone types below.

Phone is a linked field, syncing to the value on the associated ‘Phone Preference’ selection. eg Mobile.

If Do Not Call box are ticked, it will not display a Preferred Telephone Number.

AVE-106 Phone Number and Email integrity

Business Rule:

  • TAP-860 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Phone preference be defaulted to mobile (because iMod leads are coming in with Mobile numbers)

  • Email preference defaulted to Personal email.

Contact Phone and Email Preference


Phone is calculated field, pulling the values from the corresponding fields below. If Do Not Call box are ticked, it will not display a telephone number.

  • Business Phone is a linked field pulling from the contacts employment record.

Phone is a standard Salesforce field.

Phone is a linked field, syncing to the value on the associated ‘Phone Preference’ selection. eg Mobile.

If Do Not Call box are ticked, it will not display a Preferred Telephone Number.

AVE-106 Phone Number and Email integrity

Contact Phone and Email Preference

Email Preference

Drop Down box with the values of the 4x email types below.

In reports, field ‘Preferred Email 'suppresses the field value in reports when a contact is marked as either do not email or do not contact. Value will still be visible on screen, and can still be extracted in reports from Field 'Email’ or specific email type.

AVE-106 Phone Number and Email integrity

Business Rule:

  • TAP-860 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Phone preference be defaulted to mobile (because iMod leads are coming in with Mobile numbers)

  • Email preference defaulted to Personal email.

Contact Phone and Email Preference


Email is calculated field, pulling the values from the corresponding fields below. If Email Opt Out box are ticked, it will not display an email address.

Email is a standard Salesforce field.

Email is a linked field, syncing to the value on the associated ‘Email Preference’ selection. eg Personal Email.

When an ‘Email Preference’ is selected, a link is formed with the value in the email fields, changes to the associated email field or into ‘Email’ directly will affect a change to the the corresponding linked field value.

In reports, field ‘Preferred Email 'suppresses the field value in reports when a contact is marked as either do not email or do not contact. Value will still be visible on screen, and can still be extracted in reports from Field 'Email’ or specific email type.

Validations are in place to prevent a preference being selected with a null value.


  1. Bounced emails needs to be removed from all fields, including alternate channels.

  2. USyd deactivates student emails after graduation - remove Graduant / Alumni student emails

Alternate ID’s

Alternate ID’s (Nonunique Alternative id)

Store Student, Staff, Seymore Centre, etc ID’s

Values are captured in field Nonunique Alternative id (Not Alternative Id’s)

  • All Contact Type ‘Alumni’, ‘Graduant’, ‘Student’ should have Student ID’s,

  • All Contact Type ‘Staff’ should have Staff ID’s,

  • Student id must = 9 Characters

  • Contact Type = Alumni, Graduant, Student, then Nonunique Alternative id cannot be NULL

Award Recipients



Schools / Faculty Mapping



AVE-102 Industry Cleanup

Gift Recognition Credits





look up from COA


COA code

look up from COA


COA designation

look up from COA


COA School/Unit

Used for receipting purpose

look up from COA



The entry in the Chart of Accounts to which the donor wishes this Transaction to be deposited

look up from COA

Address Formatting Business Rules

  • No labels