Lori Stirling (Deactivated)(apologies)
Standing Agenda
Progress against plan
Outstanding actions
Focus for next week
Focus for following week
Progress against plan
Data - Griffin update - A lot accounts figured. Will need to let Yeng know finished off counts for base objects which should make the other numbers align. Programmer working with Meredith on fixing gift pieces and will make one upload for gifts. Griffin can see lots of tickets being closed. Most assigned pieces have been reassigned. One issue is don't have opportunities in as were dropped for fixed. There are 2 ticket related to opportunities. Changes rolled out a few days ago have been closed. Lori, Programmers went through gift defects and will get NB ones done. Lower priority will come later. Gift will be done by end of USA week so expect good data by Monday. Opportunities should be done shortly. Counts will be another few days as will be back and forth.
Where is Community Portal on the AQ roadmap - Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to check if AQ has a estimate.
To get items onto roadmap AQ roadmap, send email to Lori and Griffin. Will be able to submit directly through zendesk when access is provided in a few weeks.
Griffin advised that for Opportunity Teams access to Opportunities can only be restricted by Permission sets. Post MVP sharing rules can be added
Outstanding Actions
See above
Refinement data conversion
Focus for next week
Continue Sprint 5
Data conversion testing
Focus for following week
Complete Sprint 5.
UAT data refresh
Action items
- Brad Fernandes (Unlicensed) to document in user stories required required to be on AQ roadmap that cannot be implemented in MVP. Also send list in email to Lori and Griffin
Outstanding Actions