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Business Rules Meetings Minutes

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Business Rule

Description / Decision


Allocated to



Deceased Contacts

Deceased Contacts: It was agreed on to:

  1. reduce report age to 105;

  2. mark the Contact as Do Not Contact until Deceased Contact can be actioned;

  3. find the deceased date from ;

  4. If cannot find in Ryerson Index, then assume deceased - check to make sure not alive - make the deceased date the action date.

  5. Use Deceased Utility to decease. (Monthly Process)

  6. If deceased, then needs to be removed from any Primary Contact roles.

  • OUTSTANDING: Can ownership of the utility be opened up to the BI Team Data Stewards for non-donors ? (Donors contact types stays with GA Team) Monica Kluegel , AlainGasquet
  • Deceased Utility defects TAP-446; TAP-465 preventing actioning

Monica Kluegel



Accounts with No Primary Contact

Household accounts MUST always have at least a primary contact. Corporations need to have a direct contact to receipt gifts. Not needed otherwise.

Monica Kluegel



Households without a Primary/Sec contact

Household accounts must always have a Primary Contact. If more than one person on the account, then the one is Primary and the other is secondary. Kids on the account need to have their own account when they turn 18. (Less than 18 cannot have own account)




Primary Contract - Address Preference


Contact Mailing Address Type

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