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XNAT REST API Manuals and examples

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1. RESTAPI Basic Operation Manual

List projects (will return only the projects the user has access to)

curl -u username ""

^data is returned in JSON format by default. Modify format using the format parameter with html, xml, json, csv.

^username is the XNAT logon username, password will be prompt.

List projects (in XML format and save to a file)

curl -u username "" -o projects.xml

List files for an experiment (in XML format and save to a file)

curl -u username "" -o filelist.xml

Download all DICOM files for a scan (in zip format)

curl -u username "" -o

Note: In this above example, PVT000 is the project name, Haofei01 is the subject name, "Haofei01_MRI" is the session/experiment name, "4" is the scan name. 

Upload all files into the scan

curl -u username -X PUT "" -F "file=@filelist"

Note: In this above example, PVT000 is the project name, Haofei01 is the subject name, "Haofei01_MRI" is the session/experiment name, "4" is the scan name, "ABC" is the subfolder name, and "files" are necessary to be added. 

Create folder

curl -u username -X PUT ""

Creates a subfolder under scans/4 named test. Note that no further subdirectories are allowed.

2. How can we determine the project, subject, session/experiments, scan name via the XNAT Web Interface ?

It is troublesome in using the RESTAPI command to list project, as they are in HTML/XML/JSON format. Another straightforward way to retrieve the information is via the XNAT web interface.

From the web interface, we can see the project name is : PVT100, Subject name is: "Haofei01", and session/experiment name is "Haofei01_MRI", Scan name is "4" . 

Then we would like to know the directory structure below scan name, so we click on the "Manage Files" on the right side of the "Actions" Page.

So we know that the "DICOM" files have all the DICOM images we need. So it is easy for us to figure out the URL path mentioned above in the RESTAPI manuals.

2.1 What is "scans" vs "Resources" ?

We noticed in the File Manager screenshot above, there are "scans" vs "Resources". 

Scans are the folder created by XNAT for the DICOM data. Therefore, all the DICOM related files (NIFTI, snapshot, description, report) can be placed into the folder. 

Resources are the folder to keep all the non-DICOM data. By default it is not created. It has to be manually created.

We can click "Add Folder" in the FileManager to create new folder

Click "Create"

3. Example on how to run a DICOM to NIFTI convertion on Artemis (University of Sydney High Performance Computing).

In order to run on the Artemis, you need to have an Artemis account. For more information, please refer to below guide to logon to Artemis.

For Artemis user guide, please refer to the University of Sydney Artemis User Guide

Artemis User Guide

Step 1. Logon to Artemis 

ddd-mbp:Deployment$ ssh's password:

Last login: Wed May  9 13:53:09 2018 from


*****************************    ARTEMIS 3.0    ******************************


    ***    !!! LOGIN NODES ARE FOR JOB SETUP & SUBMISSION ONLY !!!     ***    


Use Interactive flag (-I) or defaultQ or small-express queue for job testing


Any sustained compute or multicore/memory intensive process on login nodes

will be subject to being killed without notice.


  !!! MEMORY MUST BE SPECIFIED FOR ALL JOBS - use the mem= PBS directive !!!


Please refer to the Quick Start User Guide to get started with Artemis 2.0:



Step 2. Download the XNAT data into Artemus directory into the folder. For data in big size, it is recommended to put in to the Artemis /scratch directory.

As the example is only a small set of data (32MB), we are putting it into the home folder on the Artemis Logging node.

[unikey@login2 ~]$ curl -u username "" -o

Enter host password for user 'unikey':

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current

                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

100 22.8M    0 22.8M    0     0  5827k      0 --:--:--  0:00:04 --:--:-- 5994k

[unikey@login2 ~]$ ls -ltr

-rw-r--r-- 1 unikey linuxusers         23963682 May 11 09:22

[unikey@login2 ~]$ unzip


extracting: Haofei01_MR1/scans/4-Ax_3D_T1/resources/DICOM/files/ 

extracting: Haofei01_MR1/scans/4-Ax_3D_T1/resources/DICOM/files/ 


[unikey@login2 ~]$ ls -ltr

total 23480

-rw-r--r-- 1 unikey linuxusers         23963682 May 11 09:22

drwxr-xr-x 3 unikey linuxusers             4096 May 11 09:24 Haofei01_MR1

Step 3. Create the Artemis Scripts

For information about Artemis Job Submission, monitoring and management, please refer to the information page about Artemis.

[unikey@login2 ~]$ vi run.pbs



#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb

#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00


#PBS -m abe

#PBS -j oe

module load dcm2niix 

mkdir -p /home/unikey/Haofei01_MR1/scans/4-Ax_3D_T1/resources/NIFTI

dcm2niix -o /home/unikey/Haofei01_MR1/scans/4-Ax_3D_T1/resources/NIFTI/ /home/hfen0483/Haofei01_MR1/scans/4-Ax_3D_T1/resources/DICOM/files

Step 4. Run the Artemis Script

[unikey@login2 ~]$ qsub run.pbs


Step 5. Upload the result back to XNAT

[unikey@login2 ~]$ cd /home/unikey/Haofei01_MR1/scans/4-Ax_3D_T1/resources/NIFTI/

[unikey@login2 NIFTI]$ ls -ltr

total 21000

-rw-r--r-- 1 hfen0483 RDS-ICT-SASTEST-RW 21496160 May 11 09:29 files_Ax_3D_T1_20140604082236_4.nii

-rw-r--r-- 1 hfen0483 RDS-ICT-SASTEST-RW      751 May 11 09:29 files_Ax_3D_T1_20140604082236_4.json

Note, below command create the "unikey" folder and upload the file in one command in XNAT

[unikey@login2 NIFTI]$ curl -u username -X PUT "" -F "file=@files_Ax_3D_T1_20140604082236_4.nii"

Enter host password for user 'unikey':

[unikey@login2 NIFTI]$ curl -u username -X PUT "" -F "file=@files_Ax_3D_T1_20140604082236_4.json"

Enter host password for user 'unikey':

Step 5. Check from XNAT

4. Use Cookie to perform XNAT RESTAPI call

Create A New User Session

This call allows for manual management of HTTP sessions within XNAT. This is particularly useful when you want to re-use the same session across multiple curl or XNATDataClient calls.


Parameters: Enter user credentials via calling mechanism, i.e:

$ curl -u username -X POST https://yourxnatdomain/data/JSESSION

Response: A new JSESSION ID string, for example:


You can then use this JSESSION ID in a cookie in lieu of user credentials to authenticate subsequent calls, e.g.:

Get the SESSION Number

[unikey@login2 NIFTI]$ curl -u username ""

Enter host password for user 'username':


List the project

[unikey@login2 NIFTI]$curl --cookie JSESSIONID=628EE7A19C8B9CEF7AE46E3744F6CXX

{"ResultSet":{"Result":[{"pi_firstname":"","secondary_ID":"PTV000","pi_lastname":"","name":"PTV000","description":"","ID":"PTV000","URI":"/data/projects/PTV000"},{"pi_firstname":"","secondary_ID":"MS project","pi_lastname":"","name":"A prospective study investigating the clinical correlates of brain magnetic resonance imaging; T1, T2, Gd-DTPA, DWI (ADC/FA), perfusion and spectroscopy parameters in enhancing and non-enhancing MSl","description":"","ID":"2012_1047","URI":"/data/projects/2012_1047"},{"pi_firstname":"","secondary_ID":"ForeFront","pi_lastname":"","name":"ForeFront Ageing and Neurodegeneration","description":"Data from various studies run by the ForeFront group.","ID":"FF","URI":"/data/projects/FF"},{"pi_firstname":"","secondary_ID":"Preclinical Imaging","pi_lastname":"","name":"Preclinical Imaging","description":"Preclincial Imaging Core Facility Multimodal Projects","ID":"1","URI":"/data/projects/1"}], "totalRecords": "4"}}

Download the file

[unikey@login2 NIFTI]$curl --cookie JSESSIONID=628EE7A19C8B9CEF7AE46E3744F6CXX 

"" -o

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current

                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

100 22.8M    0 22.8M    0     0  5513k      0 --:--:--  0:00:04 --:--:-- 5514k

5. User can generate a user-access token which is a temporary username and password to logon via RESTAPI or XNAT Upload Assistant

5.1 use command line to get the XNAT temporary username and password

mbp:$ curl -u username ""

Enter host password for user 'username':


"alias" follows the temporary username

"secrect" follows the temporary password

mbp:$ curl -u 451a00c9-441d-4674-84b3-baafb5ab1122  ""

Enter host password for user 451a00c9-441d-4674-84b3-baafb5ab1122:

{"ResultSet":{"Result":[{"pi_firstname":"","secondary_ID":"ForeFront","pi_lastname":"","name":"ForeFront Ageing and Neurodegeneration","description":"","ID":"FF","URI":"/data/projects/FF"}], "totalRecords": "1"}}

5.2 use Web Browswer to get the XNAT temporary username and password


User Session Management API

XNAT User API (provides the ability to manage user accounts, access, and permissions)

XNAT API Documentation

Artemis User Guide

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