Standing Agenda
Progress against plan
Outstanding actions
Focus for next week
Focus for following week
Progress against plan
Data load - Stuck on two things - Apex issue with Gifts. Escalated to a senior programmer. Also Relationships; Risk mitigation plan required for final data conversion. USYD people will be on end of year break from 22 December and not available for Advance datapumps or data testing.
Defects have been raised on data that has been tested. Griffin Homan (Deactivated) advised that no significant issues. Assumption is the fixes can be done by upserting rather than another conversion. Some user stories assigned to sprint 2 could be blocked due to data defects as UAT has data from first conversion. {post meeting note: Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to review the user stories and note which are blocked for config or testing}.
Once all data is loaded, tested completed and defects fixed, UAT sandbox with be refreshed with PRD data.
Monica Kluegel has documented Gift outcomes for the project. These will be shared with AQ to talk through how to achieve the outcomes. May need several Gift processing walkthroughs.
Receipting Function - Was pushed into the org on Saturday. Some issues identified which are being fixed. Apsona report building component has not yet been completed. Workshop scheduled for tomorrow on the Receipting Function will go ahead as planned.
Document Storage - Not part of AQ MVI/MVP. Lori says too big a scope to include in Trevor’s workload. USYD to consult with Trevor for advise.
Outstanding Actions
See above
Gift data load
Focus for next week
Backlog Refinement.
Continue with Config and Integration sprint 2
Data conversion testing
Focus for following week
Complete Sprint 2.
Commence Sprint 3
Action items
- Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to demonstrate how to move special handling preferences to contacts
- Griffin Homan (Deactivated)to review user stories in sprint 2 and identify which are blocked due to UAT data
Outstanding Actions