Attention: : Confluence is not suitable for the storage of highly confidential data. Please ensure that any data classified as Highly Protected is stored using a more secure platform.
If you have any questions, please refer to the University's data classification guide or contact


Westmead Biobank offers services from sample receipt and processing, to sample storage and distribution. Biospecimen collections can be managed all the way from receipt to processing and storage, or one-off services can be ordered. Customised processing services are available for project specific requirements.


Specimen receipt

Biobank staff on-call for receipt of specimens

  • Biobank staff pick up at collection point on Westmead campus

  • Delivery to WIMR by courier

  • Delivery to Biobank lab in person (WIMR level 2)

Sample processing

Primary processing

  • Blood fraction aliquots

  • Snap-frozen, OCT or formalin-fixed tissue samples

  • PBMC’s

Histology services

  • Tissue microarray (TMA) design and construction

  • Cryosectioning

  • FFPE sectioning

DNA/RNA extraction

  • Qiagen QIAamp blood DNA kits

  • Qiagen RNeasy mini kit

  • Customised service for different sample types

  • Barcoding DNA aliquots


All samples processed by Westmead Biobank can be tracked and transferred directly to our inventory-managed Biobank Storage Facilities

Sample dispatch and shipping

Biobank dispatch for research projects

Sample shipping

  • Coordination and booking for local and international sample shipments