Emma Kettle
Advanced Specialist - Electron Microscopy
Emma has over 20 years experience in biological electron microscopy and is available to help Hub researchers study the ultrastructure of biological samples. A large variety of techniques are available including, conventional room temperature processing, immunogold labelling, electron tomography and correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). Low temperature methods such as high pressure freezing, Tokuyasu cryosectioning, and cryo thin film are also specialities. Emma can advise on experimental design, train researchers in specimen preparation techniques and operation of instruments, or perform experiments as a service.
Westmead Research Hub Electron Microscope Facility, Level 1, ICPMR
Phone 8890 7779
Dongwei Wang (Lucy)
Specialist Technician - Electron Microscopy
Dongwei has been using microscopy for biomedical research for over 18 years. Before becoming a specialist technician in the electron microscopy facility, she studied axons during her PhD, and AQP1, a water channel protein in her post-doc. During her post-doctoral position she developed special interests in electron microscopy and received training on a variety of EM techniques. Dongwei can assist you with sample preparation, ultramicrotomy and electron microscopy imaging.
Westmead Research Hub Electron Microscope Facility, Level 1, ICPMR
dongwei.wang @Sydney.edu.au
Phone 8890 7779