Analyst Notes
This page contains documentation on analysis, proposed steps to de-dupe phone numbers in Alternate Channels where the phone number already exists in ‘Mobilephone’ filed on Contact object.
Phone numbers linked to contact records were isolated and cleaned to remove -
Any special characters, blank spaces etc.,
+61 was replaced with 0
00s & 000s were replace with 0
00011 was replace with blank
Exclusions: Contact Type - ‘Student’
If the cleaned phone data in Mobilephone field exist in Alternate Channel, then delete the Alternate Channel Phone record.
Count of duplicate 'Mobile' in Alternate Channel (09.5.2024)
Count of Mobile | Count of Duplicates in Alternate Channel |
198,854 | 216,069 |
Contact Mobile Duplicated in Alternate Channels
with duplicates as( with contact_ph as ( select "Contact SF ID", c.mobilephone "Contact Phone", c.aqb__phonepreference__c "Phone Preference", case when startswith("Formatted Phone", '0011') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(0011)', '') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '000') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(000)', '0') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '00') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(00)', '0') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '612') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(612)', '02') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '613') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(613)', '03') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '614') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(614)', '04') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '617') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(617)', '07') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '618') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(618)', '08') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6102') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6102)', '02') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6103') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6103)', '03') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6104') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6104)', '04') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6107') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6107)', '07') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6108') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6108)', '08') else "Formatted Phone" end "Formatted Phone" from(select cp.*, regexp_replace(lower(trim(cp.mobilephone)), '[^a-z0-9]', '') "Formatted Phone" from cp )c left join salesforce_db.salesforce_sch.user u on = c.createdbyid left join salesforce_db.salesforce_sch.user u1 on = c.lastmodifiedbyid left join salesforce_db.salesforce_sch.account a on = c.accountid where c.mobilephone is not null --and c.aqb__type__c <> 'Student' ), ac_dupes as ( select "Alt Channel SF ID:Dupe", "Alt Channel Name:Dupe", regexp_replace(split_part(ac.aqb__linkedto__c , '"',2), '/','') "Linked To:Dupe", ac.aqb__contact__c "ContactID:Dupe", ac.aqb__account__c "AccountID:Dupe", ac.aqb__status__c "Status:Dupe", ac.aqb__type__c "Type:Dupe", ac.aqb__phone__c "Phone:Dupe", case when startswith("Formatted Phone", '0011') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(0011)', '') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '000') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(000)', '0') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '00') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(00)', '0') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '612') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(612)', '02') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '613') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(613)', '03') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '614') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(614)', '04') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '617') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(617)', '07') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '618') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(618)', '08') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6102') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6102)', '02') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6103') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6103)', '03') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6104') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6104)', '04') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6107') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6107)', '07') when startswith("Formatted Phone", '6108') then regexp_replace("Formatted Phone", '^(6108)', '08') else "Formatted Phone" end "Formatted Phone:Dupe", ac.createddate "CreatedDate:Dupe", ac.lastmodifieddate "LastModifiedDate:Dupe", "CreatedBy:Dupe", "LastModifiedBy:Dupe", ac.aqb__source__c "Source:Dupe", ac.aqb__linkedto__c --row_number() over(partition by "ContactID:Dupe" order by "CreatedDate:Dupe" desc ) seq from(select a.*, regexp_replace(lower(trim(a.aqb__phone__c)), '[^a-z0-9]', '') "Formatted Phone" from salesforce_db.salesforce_sch.aqb__aqaddress__c a )ac left join salesforce_db.salesforce_sch.recordtype r on = ac.recordtypeid left join salesforce_db.salesforce_sch.user u on = ac.createdbyid left join salesforce_db.salesforce_sch.user u1 on = ac.lastmodifiedbyid left join c on = ac.aqb__contact__c left join salesforce_db.salesforce_sch.account a on = ac.aqb__account__c where --"ContactID:Dupe" is not null --and ac.aqb__account__c is not null = 'Phone' --and c.aqb__type__c <> 'Student' ), Dupes as ( select * from ( select * from contact_ph cp )dd join ac_dupes acd on left("Contact SF ID",15) = "Linked To:Dupe" and "Formatted Phone" = "Formatted Phone:Dupe" order by 2,3,1 ) select "Contact SF ID", "Contact Phone", --"Phone Preference", "Formatted Phone", listagg("Phone:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "Phones:Dupes", listagg("Formatted Phone:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "Formatted Phones:Dupes", listagg("Alt Channel SF ID:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc)"Alt Channel ID:Dupes", listagg("Alt Channel Name:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "Alt Channel Names:Dupes", listagg("Status:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "Status:Dupes", listagg("Type:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "Type:Dupes", listagg("CreatedBy:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "CreatedBy:Dupes", listagg("CreatedDate:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "CreatedDate:Dupes", listagg("LastModifiedBy:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "LastModifiedBy:Dupe", listagg("LastModifiedDate:Dupe",',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "LastModifiedDate:Dupe", listagg("Source:Dupe", ',') within group (order by "LastModifiedDate:Dupe" desc) "Source:Dupes", count("Alt Channel SF ID:Dupe") "No of Dupes" from dupes d group by all order by 2,3,1 ) select * from duplicates d;