Data Cleanup for existing Opportunities with Contact Roles - jessica.woodMonica KluegelAlainGasquet to discuss and agree
Technical Design:
Update Deactivated the existing flow - Usyd “Usyd move contacts related to Account to Contact Roles => To add contact role when Opportunity is created (where Account record type = Household and has only one contact linked)
Remove the code logic to add contact automatically to Opps when a new contact created
Add a logic and validation to throw an error when an Opportunity stage changed
Add contact role tab to the page in GIW
Move the contact role tab up in the page related to Gift/Pledge record typeRoles”
Created a new auto launched flow to throw error when a new Opportunity created “Create Opportunity Contact Role”
Check if no contact throw an error
Check if has only one contact with Household Account then automatically create the contact Primary Contact Role
“Create Opportunity Contact Role” - is called in the Opportunity After Save main flow
Updated the flow - “Opportunity Before Save”
To check when stage changed (except stage = closed lost)
If contact role exists with Primary - throw error at least one Primary contact role required
If contact not existing linked to Account - throw error at least one contact required
Test Scenario:
Create an Opportunity where Account Record Type = Household and Contact count > 1