List of Jira tickets for Deployment: https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/projects/TAPSS/versions/23027/tab/release-report-all-issues
Pre-Deployment Steps
- Prepare Main package containing the following JIRAs (Ehanced Domain, TAPs, WB/Hogwarts). Here’s the source Bitbucket Branch:release/TAP-MayR2May-R2-Release-Package1-v2Package
- Enhanced Domain items:
. Contents should include the following items listed hereJira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key TAPSS-462 - Close Batch Interim fix:
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key TAPSS-1205 - Items c/o Swathi
- Well Being and Hogwarts items
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key SPI1-3882 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key SPI1-3945 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key SPI1-3951 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key TAPSS-895 - Run validation in Bitbucket
- Merge each branch approved for PROD Deployment to the Release branch for release/TAP-MayR2May-R2-Release-Package1-v2Package
- Navigate to the release branch - release/TAP-MayR2May-R2-Release-Package1-v2Packageandclick the Create Pull Request button
- Add the necessary approvers, and click Create Pull Request
- The Validation Pipeline will run in the background. When the pipeline has no errors, it is ready for approval.
- Once approved, merge the pull request. Merging to the Master branch will not trigger auto-deployment. Proceed to the Actual Deployment Steps
Combined Deployment Package / Components in Deployment
bob.alicante Once the release branch has been merged to master can you please add the link to the merge commit here.TAP May R2 Release Package merge commit ID: https://bitbucket.org/sydneyuni/uos-sfdx/commits/a1486927aa2f70bb0c9d1aaa168aadfb04624dff
TAP R2 Release Package ASR Profile merge commit ID: https://bitbucket.org/sydneyuni/uos-sfdx/commits/655742c5e1928aa9ef6bb0d2d33f834caa639d24
Actual Deployment Steps
- Login to PROD. Go to Setup>Deployment Status. Click Quick deploy on validated package
- Enable Enhanced Domain in PROD. Go to Setup>Company Settings>My Domain. Check the “Use enhanced domains” checkbox
Post Deployment Technical Validation Steps
- For Close Batch Interim fix:
- Verify if USYD_TransactionTrigger is deployed
- Verify if the following Apex Class components are deployed:
- USYD_AQBBatch_Trigger.trigger
- USYD_AQBBatchTriggerHandler
- .cls
- USYD_AQBBatchTriggerHandlerTest.cls
- USYD_TriggerHandlerBase.cls
- USYD_TriggerHandlerBaseTest.cls
- USYD_Trigger_Setting__mdt
- All_Settings.listView
- After_Delete__c.field
- After_Insert__c.field
- After_Undelete__c.field
- After_Update__c.field
- Before_Delete__c.field
- Before_Insert__c.field
- Before_Update__c.field
- USYD_System_Config__c.object
- Retry_AQB_Smart_Batch_Batch_Size__c.field
- Retry_AQB_Smart_Batch_On_Close_Error__c.field
- Trigger_Handler_Logging__c.field
- AQB__Batch__c.USYD_Batch_Closing_Retried__c.field
- USyd_Application_Log__c.SmartBatch_Retry_Logs.listView
- USYD_Trigger_Setting.USYD_ALL_TRIGGERS.md
- USYD_Trigger_Setting.USYD_AQBBatch_Trigger.md
- USYD_Trigger_Setting.USYD_TestClassConfig_DO_NOT_DELETE.md
- Verify if Create a link to a Third Party Pledge Process Builder is turned OFF
- Verify if USYD System Config custom settings is deployed.
- For Enhanced Domain, verify the following:
- Verify if the items listed here are deployed Enhanced Domain: List of Hard-coded URLs . Check at leaset one email temlate, flow and weblinks to verify if the dynamic formula for URL is there
- Change the hyperlink on 3 Hogwarts Email Template
- email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\Delegate_Decision_Changes_Needed.email
- email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\General_Purpose_Template.email
- email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\Review_Spend_Plan_Request_a_Review.email
- For Swathi’s items, verify the following
Corroborated Death Date (date format)
Date of Death (date format)
Date of Death Precision (picklist)
- TAPSS-912 - New version of the flow with new field and mapping along with URL change as part of enhanced domain hard code URL changes “NewCOA”
- TAPSS-262 - Below are the new components
Admin (Profile)
USyd_Opportunity_CRUD (permissionset)
AQC_Opportunity_to_Gift (permissionset)
- TAPSS-239 - Deactivated picklist value “
Advise Opportunity Owner when ready to collect
" at Opportunity-AQC_ReceiptDelivery__c field - TAPSS-240 - New validation rule at Opportunity - “USYD_TypeRequired” & “USYD_SubTypeRequired”
- TAPSS-901 - “Separate Utility” picklist value in the field “Void Notation” picklist should be available for all Record Types in Transaction object.
- TAPSS-1181 - Record Type Gift In Will at Opportunity level should have the value “GIW Tick Box in Error” available in the field Loss_Reason__c
- TAPSS-1185 - Opportunity Approval Process “GiftImplementationHandOver” Approval Step should have below users only
Duysal Artan
Genevieve Reeves
Cate Parsons
Jane Gordon
- TAPSS-1060 - Three new flows : Usyd_Reopen_an_Alumni_Census_case_when_incoming_message_received, Usyd_Email_message_main_flow, USYD_Subflow_Custom_Case_Inbound_Email_Notification_Flow(WB flow)
- Deactivate Flow: Usyd_Update_case_status_when_closed_case_receives_email
- For WellBeing items, verify the following
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key SPI1-3945 - Verify if the Safer Communities Cases list view is deployed
- Sexual Misconduct Cases should not be visible
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key SPI1-3882 - Verify if USYD_Subflow_Custom_Case_Inbound_Email_Notification_Flow.flow is deployed
- Verify if WB_New_Email_Notification.notiftype custom notification is deployed
- For Hogwart
, verify if the following TASK validation Rules has been updated with filter on Record Type=”Milestone”Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key TAPSS-895 - Milestone_RecurrenceFrequency
- Milestone_RecurrenceLessThan2
- Milestone_RecurrenceNumber
- Milestone_Require_Resolution_Date
- Milestone_Require_Resolution_Note
- TAPSS-1083- verify if new field Inclination can be seen below Interest Type with picklist values as requested in the ticket. Interest group has been moved to the system information.
- TAPSS-1084 - verify if the new version of “USYD_Update_Legal_&_Gift_Recognition_Credit_Percentage” flow is deployed
- TAPSS-1086 - verify if USYD Lightning Organization ASR Layout in Account object is deployed
- TAPSS-1087 - verify if the components are deployed and updated. Pls refer here TAP-1108: MS - Creating a Pledge Payment Status field on Transaction object
- TAPSS-259 - verify if the components are deployed and updated. Pls refer here TAP-1304: MS - Add validation rule
- TAPSS-261 - verify if the components are deployed and updated. Pls refer here TAP-1303: Update Batch Logic