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Participating UnitSoftware ListOperating Systems
Sydney Imaging (Pre-Clinical, Clinical and Hybrid Theater), Core Research Facility

Windows 10:

  • MATLAB 2018b, FileZilla, Fiji, ImageJ, Giphi, GIMP, VIM 8.1, Huygens 18.10, Excel and Word 2016, Aliza, DSI-Studio, IVIS, MRIcroGL, mricron, npm, Quench, XNAT: Gateway, Desktop client and DicomBrowser,Mango, R and RStudio, dcm2nigui, NiiStat Matlab toolbox, SPM12, Cat12, 3D Slicer, Paraview,  AutoCAD, Anaconda, Gimias, MITK workbench, VTK, BrainStrom, Brainsuite, BioImage Suite, MIPAV, VeVo Labs, VeVoQuanto, Graph Prism, GenStat, SAS, SPSS, Blender, SQL Server Management studio,POV-Ray, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.

Linux - Ubuntu 16.04:

  • MATLAB 2018a, FileZilla, Fiji, ImageJ, SPM12, CAT12, 3D Slicer, Freesurfer, Aliza, AFNI, Advanced Normalization Tools: ANTs, Convert3d, DSI Studio, FSL, ITK-Snap, Mango, MRIConvert, MRIcroGL, MRIcron, MRTRIX3, Robust Brain Extraction (ROBEX), Virtual MRI, Paraview, MINC tool set, R and RStudio, Anaconda, fMRI Data Analysis Toolkit, DynamicBC toolkit, AMIDE, MIPAV, XNAT Desktop Client, DicomBrowser, DICOM Viewer, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.

Windows 10,

Ubuntu 16.04

Sydney Mass Spectrometry, Core Research Facility

Windows 10:

  • MATLAB 2018b, Huygens 18.10, VIM 8.1, GIMP, Giphi, Excel and Word 2016, GenStat, Graph Prism, SPSS, SAS, Blender, Anaconda, R and RStudio, AutoCAD, SQL Server Management studio, Fiji, ImageJ, OpenChrom, FreeStyle, Foundation, Proteome Discoverer, Tracefinder, LipidSearch, MaxQuant, ProtienPilot, ProGenesis QI, MarkView, Protein Discoverer, NIST AMDIS, SCiLS Labs, FileZilla FTP, SQL Server Management studio, POV-Ray, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
Windows 10
Sydney Microscopy & Microanalysis (SMM), Core Research Facility

Windows 10:

  • MATLAB 2018b, FileZilla, Huygens 18.10, VIM 8.1, GIMP, Giphi, Excel and Word 2016, GenStat, Graph Prism, SPSS, SAS, Blender, Anaconda, R and RStudio, AutoCAD, SQL Server Management studio, Fiji, ImageJ, AzTec, FlexNext, LAS X, Inca, Madcap, mambo, Manager data, Map sticker, Salsa, Spirical kikuchi, Tango, Twist, Avizo, IVAS, POV-Ray, Cyberduck, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. 

Linux - Ubuntu 16.04

  • Relion3, EMAN2, IMOD, Dynamo, FileZilla

Windows 10

Ubuntu 16.04

Sydney Cytometry, Core Research Facility

Windows 10:

  • MATLAB 2018b, FileZilla, Fiji, ImageJ, Huygens 18.10, VIM 8.1, GIMP, Giphi, Excel and Word 2016, GenStat, Graph Prism, SPSS, SAS, Blender, Anaconda, R and RStudio, AutoCAD, SQL Server Management studio, CellProfiler, CellProfiler-Analyst, HistoCat, Ilastik, MCDViewer, SPADE3, CytoScape, tSNE, KNIME, POV-Ray,bioconductor, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
Windows 10
Westmead Research (SCHN-Kids Research and Cytometry)

Windows 10:

  • MATLAB 2018b,FileZilla, Fiji, ImageJ, Huygens 18.10, VIM 8.1, GIMP, Giphi, Excel and Word 2016, GenStat, Graph Prism, SPSS, SAS, Blender, Anaconda, R and RStudio, AutoCAD, SQL Server Management studio, CellProfiler, CellProfiler-Analyst, HistoCat, Ilastik, SPADE3, CytoScape, tSNE, KNIME, Ultimaker Cura (3D Printing), Filezilla,bioconductor, FlowJo, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.

Sydney Informatics Hub (SIH), Core Research Facility

Windows 10:

  • MATLAB 2018b, FileZilla, Fiji, ImageJ, Huygens 18.10, VIM 8.1, GIMP, Giphi, Excel and Word 2016, GenStat, Graph Prism, SPSS, SAS, Blender, Anaconda, R and RStudio, AutoCAD, SQL Server Management studio, POV-Ray, CytoScape, UGINE workbench, KNIME, bioconda, bioconductor, PathVisio (Bio Plugins), GenGIS (20+ Bio Plugins), GeWorkbench (50+ Bio Plugins), Ondex, Taverna Workbench, BLAST+, gbench (NCBI), NCBI toolkit, Cn3D, CD-tree, Fa2Cd, Sequin, BRB-Arraytools 4.6, BRB-CGHT tools, FLASH 1.2.11, CMake, Orange, Staden packages, CygWin (Includes Scientific packages), KNIME, Git, Cyberduck, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition .
Windows 10
Environmental and Life Sciences

Windows 10: 

  • Pix4D, GISStat, Grass GIS, Anaconda, R and RStudio, FLIR tool, Active Perl, FilezZilla, Cyberduck, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
Windows 10
School of Chemistry

Windows 10: 

  • MATLAB 2017a, FileZilla, Anaconda, R and R Studio, ParaView, Avogadro2, bioclipse, CrystalMaker (Trail), DataWarrior, Gabedit, MolView (online link), POV-Ray, POV-Chem, VESTA, Zotero, Sci-Kit, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.

Linux - RedHat Workstation:

  • Python, Sci-kit, Anaconda, R and Rstudio, VMS

Windows 10

RedHat Linux Workstation 7

Fore Front Brain and Mind Center (BMC)

Linux - RedHat Workstation:

  • Matlab 2017a, FSL, Freesurfer, MRTRIX3, SPM12, CAT12, XJview
RedHat Linux Workstation 7
School of Physics

Linux - RedHat workstation:

  • Anaconda, R and Rstudio, Spyder, Git
RedHat Linux Workstation 7
School of Geo-Sciences

Windows 10:

  • Anaconda, R and R Studio, ParaView, Application development tools (Visual Studio), Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. 

Linux - Ubuntu 16.04:

  • Python, Ananconda, Custom applications developed by Geo-science Scientists and Researchers. 

Windows 10

Ubuntu 16.04
