Values and Culture
What sort of team are we trying to build?
How are we going to get there?
TAP Product Team Meeting Types, Cadence and Participants
Quarterly Planning and Review
Sprint Planning
Business Leads Update ( 2 per week)
ICT Daily Stand up
PlanningICT Focused Area (e.g. Integration, Testing) on demand
Backlog Refinement
Quarterly Planning and Review
What is the process when a new requirement/request comes up?
Demand Management
Incident Management - we have 30% of time capacity allocated for day to support)day support, such as
New requirement/product enhancement management
Is Bug?
Is Request?
Is Valid?
Is Aligned? (Priority? etc)
Is fit for purpose/solvable?
Is Vendor Responsible?
1 | Five Dysfunctions of a team | https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/overcoming-the-five/9780787976378/ |
2 | Empathy Triangle (Love/Power/Truth) Short videos | |
3 | Tools for Off Site | |
4 | Trust/Vulnerability Paradox How to build trust in a team? | If I don’t trust you enough to be vulnerable in your presence then we can’t build a good team. |