- For Close Batch Interim fix:
- Verify if USYD_TransactionTrigger is deployed
- Verify if the following Apex Class are deployed: USYD_AQBBatchTriggerHandler,USYD_AQBBatchTriggerHandlerTest, USYD_TriggerControl
- Verify if Create a link to a Third Party Pledge Process Builder is turned OFF
- Verify if USYD System Config custom settings is deployed.
- For Enhanced Domain, verify the following:
- Verify if the items listed here are deployed Enhanced Domain: List of Hard-coded URLs . Check at leaset one email temlate, flow and weblinks to verify if the dynamic formula for URL is there
- Change the hyperlink on 3 Hogwarts Email Template
- email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\Delegate_Decision_Changes_Needed.email
- email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\General_Purpose_Template.email
- email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\Review_Spend_Plan_Request_a_Review.email
- For Swathi’s items, verify the following
Notified of Death by (free form text)
Corroborated Death Date (date format)
Date of Death (date format)
Date of Death Precision (picklist)
Date of Death Notification (date format)