- Prepare Main package containing the following JIRAs (Ehanced Domain, TAPs, WB/Hogwarts)
- Enhanced Domain items:
. Contents should include the following items listed hereJira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key TAPSS-462 - Close Batch Flow optimization items
- Interim fix:
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key TAPSS- 845 1205 - Items c/o Swathi
- Well Being and Hogwarts items
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key SPI1-3882 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key SPI1-3945 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key SPI1-3951 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key TAPSS-895 - Run validation in Bitbucket sidney.garcia Aldrin Rasdas (UofSyd) kindly define the steps
- Login to PROD. Go to Setup>Deployment Status. Click Quick deploy on validated package
Post Deployment Technical Validation Steps
- For Close Batch Interim fix:
- Verify if USYD_TransactionTrigger is deployed
- Verify if <FIX CLASS NAME HERE> Aldrin Rasdas (UofSyd)
- Verify if Create a link to a Third Party Pledge Process Builder is turned OFF
- Verify if <CUSTOM SETTINGS HERE> Aldrin Rasdas (UofSyd) is deployed.
- For Enhanced Domain, verify the following:
- Verify if the items listed here are deployed Enhanced Domain: List of Hard-coded URLs . Check at leaset one email temlate, flow and weblinks to verify if the dynamic formula for URL is there
- For Swathi’s items, verify the following