Versions Compared


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List of Jira tickets for Deployment:

Pre-Deployment Steps

  •  Prepare Main package containing the following JIRAs (Ehanced Domain, TAPs, WB/Hogwarts). Here’s the source Bitbucket Branch:release/TAP-MayR2-Release-Package1
    •  Enhanced Domain items:
      Jira Legacy
      serverSystem JIRA
      . Contents should include the following items listed here
    •  Close Batch Interim fix:
      Jira Legacy
      serverSystem JIRA
    •  Items c/o Swathi
    •  Well Being and Hogwarts items
        Jira Legacy
        serverSystem JIRA
        Jira Legacy
        serverSystem JIRA
        Jira Legacy
        serverSystem JIRA
        Jira Legacy
        serverSystem JIRA
  •  Run validation in Bitbucket
    •  Merge each branch approved for PROD Deployment to the Release branch for release/TAP-MayR2-Release-Package1
    •  Navigate to the release branch - release/TAP-MayR2-Release-Package1andclick the Create Pull Request button
    •  Add the necessary approvers, and click Create Pull Request
    •  The Validation Pipeline will run in the background. When the pipeline has no errors, it is ready for approval.
    •  Once approved, merge the pull request. Merging to the Master branch will not trigger auto-deployment. Proceed to the Actual Deployment Steps

Actual Deployment Steps

  •  Login to PROD. Go to Setup>Deployment Status. Click Quick deploy on validated package

Post Deployment Technical Validation Steps

  •  For Close Batch Interim fix:
    •  Verify if USYD_TransactionTrigger is deployed
    •  Verify if the following Apex Class are deployed: USYD_AQBBatchTriggerHandler,USYD_AQBBatchTriggerHandlerTest, USYD_TriggerControl
    •  Verify if Create a link to a Third Party Pledge Process Builder is turned OFF
    •  Verify if USYD System Config custom settings is deployed.
  •  For Enhanced Domain, verify the following:
    •  Verify if the items listed here are deployed Enhanced Domain: List of Hard-coded URLs . Check at leaset one email temlate, flow and weblinks to verify if the dynamic formula for URL is there
    •  Change the hyperlink on 3 Hogwarts Email Template
      •  email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\
      •  email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\
      •  email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\
  •  For Swathi’s items, verify the following
    •  TAPSS-260 - Batch Item has field history enabled now and batch history related list added to all the record type pages
    •  TAPSS-222 - Two validation rules at Opportunity level USYD_Email_Required , USYD_Email_Required_ReceiptDeliveryEmail
    •  TAPSS-906 - Created new fields


  •  For WellBeing items, verify the following
      Jira Legacy
      serverSystem JIRA
      •  Verify if the Safer Communities Cases list view is deployed
      •  Sexual Misconduct Cases should not be visible
      Jira Legacy
      serverSystem JIRA
      •  Verify if USYD_Subflow_Custom_Case_Inbound_Email_Notification_Flow.flow is deployed
      •  Verify if WB_New_Email_Notification.notiftype custom notification is deployed
  •  For Hogwart
    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA
    , verify if the following TASK validation Rules has been updated with filter on Record Type=”Milestone”
    •  Milestone_RecurrenceFrequency
    •  Milestone_RecurrenceLessThan2
    •  Milestone_RecurrenceNumber
    •  Milestone_Require_Resolution_Date
    •  Milestone_Require_Resolution_Note
  •  TAPSS-1083- verify if new field Inclination can be seen below Interest Type with picklist values as requested in the ticket. Interest group has been moved to the system information.
  •  TAPSS-1084 - verify if the new version of “USYD_Update_Legal_&_Gift_Recognition_Credit_Percentage” flow is deployed
  •  TAPSS-1086 - verify if USYD Lightning Organization ASR Layout in Account object is deployed
  •  TAPSS-1087 - verify if the components are deployed and updated. Pls refer here TAP-1108: MS - Creating a Pledge Payment Status field on Transaction object
  •  TAPSS-259 - verify if the components are deployed and updated. Pls refer here TAP-1304: MS - Add validation rule
  •  TAPSS-261 - verify if the components are deployed and updated. Pls refer here TAP-1303: Update Batch Logic
