- For Enhanced Domain, verify the following:
- list steps here WIP
- For Batch Flow Optimization, verify the following:
- list steps here
- For Swathi’s items, verify the following
- list steps here Swathi Inapakolla TAPSS-260 - Batch Item has field history enabled now and batch history related list added to all the record type pages
- TAPSS-222 - Two validation rules at Opportunity level USYD_Email_Required , USYD_Email_Required_ReceiptDeliveryEmail
- TAPSS-906 - Created new fields
Notified of Death by (free form text)
Corroborated Death Date (date format)
Date of Death (date format)
Date of Death Precision (picklist)
Date of Death Notification (date format)
Field history tracking enabled for the below new fields
Corroborated Death Date (date format)
Date of Death (date format)
Date of Death Precision (picklist)
- TAPSS-912 - New version of the flow with new field and mapping along with URL change as part of enhanced domain hard code URL changes “NewCOA”
- TAPSS-262 - Below are the new components
Validation Rule: USYD_ChartOfAccountType_Change_Rule (Opportunity)
Flow: USYD_OpportunityBeforeSave (Opportunity)
New fields :
AQB__OpportunityComponent__c.USYD_ProposedDesignationName__c & Opportunity.USYD_OppCompWithPendingAccount__c
Field access provided to below permissionsets and profile
Admin (Profile)
USyd_Opportunity_CRUD (permissionset)
AQC_Opportunity_to_Gift (permissionset)
- TAPSS-239 - Deactivated picklist value “
Advise Opportunity Owner when ready to collect
" at Opportunity-AQC_ReceiptDelivery__c field - For WellBeing items, verify the following
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key SPI1-3945 - Verify if the Safer Communities Cases list view is deployed
- Sexual Misconduct Cases should not be visible
- For Hogwart
, verify if the following TASK validation Rules has been updated with filter on Record Type=”Milestone”Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId e9de0c6d-9ef6-3ada-b4ce-7168c44d7e8a key TAPSS-895 - Milestone_RecurrenceFrequency
- Milestone_RecurrenceLessThan2
- Milestone_RecurrenceNumber
- Milestone_Require_Resolution_Date
- Milestone_Require_Resolution_Note
USYD_Email_Required_ReceiptDeliveryEmail |
USYD_Email_Required_ReceiptDeliveryEmail |
USYD_Email_Required_ReceiptDeliveryEmail |