# | Team | Metadata | Type | Occurrences | URL | Comments |
1 | TAP | flexipages\Home_Page1.flexipage-meta.xml | Lightning Page | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.force.com/serviceportal | Link is in a RichText container. Content is fixed and cannot be dynamic, unless changed to LWC. |
2 | N/A | reports\PersonalFolderJamesMcGloin\NQ_readiness_status_with_end_date.report-meta.xml | Report | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Account/0014a000007me2WAAQ/view | Part of the report description. Can be skipped |
3 | N/A | reports\PersonalFolderJamesMcGloin\PM_NQ_readiness_status_w_end_date_draft.report-meta.xml | Report | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Account/0014a000007me2WAAQ/view | Part of the report description. Can be skipped |
4 | N/A | reports\PersonalFolderJamesMcGloin\SSC_names_with_a_GIW.report-meta.xml | Report | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Report/00O8v000000KAnKEAW/view?queryScope=userFolders | Part of the report description. Can be skipped |
5 | N/A | default\connectedApps\Snowflake_API.connectedApp-meta.xml | Connected App | 1 | https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/callback | To cater oauth callback in sandboxes |
6 | N/A | default\connectedApps\Snowflake_API.connectedApp-meta.xml | Connected App | 1 | https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/callback | To cater oauth callback in production |
7 | N/A | connectedApps\talend_app.connectedApp-meta.xml | Connected App | 1 | https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/success | To cater oauth callback in production |
8 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UniKey_Login.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - oauthTokenEndpoint | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.my.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
9 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UniKey_Login.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - salesforceLoginUrl | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.my.salesforce.com | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
10 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UniKey_Login.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - samlEntityId | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.my.salesforce.com | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
11 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UNIKEY_LOG_IN.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - oauthTokenEndpoint | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.my.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
12 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UNIKEY_LOG_IN.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - salesforceLoginUrl | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.my.salesforce.com | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
13 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UNIKEY_LOG_IN.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - samlEntityId | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.my.salesforce.com | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
# | Team | Metadata | Type | Occurrences | URL | Comments |
1 | email\SaferCommunitiesEmailTemplates\Student_Feedback_Survey_Email_Template_1655798337168.email | Lightning Email Template | 1 | https://sydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/preview/SV_3WU4IRbS8nEsacB?Q_CHL=preview&Q_SurveyVersionID=current | Can be skipped if target URL is fixed/same between sandboxes. Lightning template don't support SML. Additional formula field may be needed in the target object if this needs to be configurable. | |
2 | email\Spend_Plan_Email_Templates\Delegate_Approval_Request_Decision_Text.email | Email Template | 1 | https://www.sydney.edu.au/policies/showdoc.aspx?recnum=PDOC2011/72&RendNum=0 | Can be skipped if target URL is fixed/same between sandboxes. | |
3 | pathAssistants\Default_Opportunity.pathAssistant-meta.xml | pathAssistant | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv--c.documentforce.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=1CF4a00000001A6&feoid=Info&refid=0EM4a0000006snY | Fixed image link in richtext component |
# | Team | Metadata | Type | Occurrences | URL | Comments |
1 | TAP | flexipages\Home_Page1.flexipage-meta.xml | Lightning Page | 1 | https://unisyd.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/teams/JarvisKnowledgeHub/Shared%20Documents/General/9.%20Misc/New%20BI%20%26%20DRS%20Service%20Portal.pptx?d=w2d51ee9e0ab442af8e6f4ec79ce565d8&csf=1&web=1&e=T8mUxU | Link is in a RichText container. Content is fixed and cannot be dynamic, unless changed to LWC. |
2 | Hogwarts | flexipages\Spending_Plan_Home_Page.flexipage-meta.xml | Lightning Page | 1 | https://divisionofalumnianddevelopment.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/user/login?destination=portal%2F2 | Link is in a RichText container. Content is fixed and cannot be dynamic, unless changed to LWC. |
3 | N/A | objects\Account\webLinks\AQB__AcccountDumpReport.webLink-meta.xml | webLink | 1 | https://www.appextremes.com/apps/Conga/Composer.aspx | Managed package. To be skipped |
4 | N/A | objects\Spending_Plan__c\webLinks\test_pdf.webLink-meta.xml | webLink | 1 | https://service.apsona.com/sfdc/apsona_inline.min.js | No longer exist in production |
5 | N/A | reports\PersonalFolderJamesMcGloin\EG_chart_of_account_by_CON_account.report-meta.xml | Report | 1 | https://intranet.sydney.edu.au/services/finance-management/chart-of-accounts/responsibility-centres.html | Part of the report description. Can be skipped |
6 | N/A | reports\PersonalFolderNataliaUribeSyro\Identification\By_designation_Account_Number_Segment1.report-meta.xml | Report | 1 | https://intranet.sydney.edu.au/services/finance-management/chart-of-accounts/responsibility-centres.html | Part of the report description. Can be skipped |
7 | N/A | reports\USYDCustomizableDashboardAppeals\Collaborative_Reports1\Dementia_Stewardship_Contacts.report-meta.xml | Report | 1 | https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2022/09/30/sydney-professor-recognised-by-un-as-global-leader-in-ageing.html | Part of the report description. Can be skipped |
8 | N/A | reports\USYD_Prospect_Development_Shared\Example_of_SIMPLE_search_by_giving_CODE.report-meta.xml | Report | 1 | https://intranet.sydney.edu.au/services/finance-management/chart-of-accounts/responsibility-centres.html | Part of the report description. Can be skipped |
9 | N/A | reports\USYD_Prospect_Development_Shared\SIMPLE_search_by_giving_CODE1.report-meta.xml | Report | 1 | https://intranet.sydney.edu.au/services/finance-management/chart-of-accounts/responsibility-centres.html | Part of the report description. Can be skipped |
10 | N/A | connectedApps\talend_app.connectedApp-meta.xml | Connected App | 1 | https://www.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback | Postman callback url |
11 | N/A | connectedApps\talend_app.connectedApp-meta.xml | Connected App | 1 | https://oauth.pstmn.io/v1/browser-callback | Postman callback url |
12 | N/A | connectedApps\talend_app.connectedApp-meta.xml | Connected App | 1 | https://app.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback | Postman callback url |
13 | N/A | iframeWhiteListUrlSettings\IframeWhiteListUrlSettings.iframeWhiteListUrlSettings-meta.xml | iframe Whitelist | 1 | https://sydneyuni-adv.lightning.force.com | Points to production. |
14 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UniKey_Login.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - LoginUrl | 1 | https://sso.sydney.edu.au/app/salesforce/exkfw1bwnGMbjFklu3l6/sso/saml | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
15 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UniKey_Login.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - logoutUrl | 1 | https://sso.sydney.edu.au/login/signout | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
16 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UniKey_Login.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - singleLogoutUrl | 1 | https://sso.sydney.edu.au/login/signout | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
17 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UNIKEY_LOG_IN.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - LoginUrl | 1 | https://sts.sydney.edu.au/adfs/ls/ | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
18 | N/A | samlssoconfigs\UNIKEY_LOG_IN.samlssoconfig-meta.xml | SSO - singleLogoutUrl | 1 | https://sts.sydney.edu.au/adfs/ls/ | SSO Config. Always differs and part of post sandbox refresh |
19 | N/A | Canvases\mule__dataloaderio_v2_oauth_c4s__dataloaderio_v2_oauth_c4sCanvas.Canvas-meta.xml | Canvas app | 1 | https://dataloader.io/static/canvas | Part of managed package. |
20 | N/A | Canvases\mule__dataloader_io2_oauth_c4s__dataloader_io2_oauth_c4sCanvas.Canvas-meta.xml | Canvas app | 1 | https://dataloader.io/static/canvas | Part of managed package. |
21 | N/A | dashboards\Data_quality_Management\kQZJiGRfUvFJJDkllMSZOpIadrLxEU1.dashboard-meta.xml | Dashboard | 1 | https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PHOEN/pages/2782199991/AVE-16+Contact+Types | Custom link in a dashboard component |