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Science Computing System

This system is separate from the univeristy Artemis HPC facility (ICT), see

TSS Team D supports a centralised network of Linux computers in A28 - Physics Building. This computing system supports Teaching and Research activities across the Facility of Science. Also, see for alternatives.


2024-05-17 Chemistry recently purchased HPC with approx. 168 cores, 1.5TB RAM and 50TB storage, due for installation/deployment in about 8 weeks

2024-05-17 Chemistry recently purchased HPC with approx. 168 cores, 1.5TB RAM and 50TB storage, due for installation/deployment in about 8 weeks

2024-05-13 Science Computing System will be offline starting at Friday 31 May 2024 at 9:30 am for 3 hours due to system maintenance

2024-05-13 Science Computing System will be offline starting at Friday 31 May 2024 at 9:30 am for 3 hours due to system maintenance