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Salesforce Standard Task Fields and Definitions
Task Fields
These fields and definitions are from the Salesforce Help page.
Task records have standard fields for tracking and recording task details.
Activity Currency | Indicates the default currency for all currency amount fields in the task. Amounts are displayed in the task currency and are also converted to a user’s personal currency. Available only in orgs in which multiple currencies are used. |
Assigned To | Indicates the assigned owner of a task. By default, the task is assigned to the user who created it. This field isn’t available in Personal Edition. |
Call Duration | Indicates the duration of a call in seconds. This field is populated when a call is answered using Salesforce CRM Call Center. |
Call Object Identifier | Indicates the ID of a call logged in Salesforce through Salesforce computer-telephony integration (CTI) with a third-party telephony system. This field is often populated with the ID stored in the telephony system. Limit is 255 characters. |
Call Result | Represents the result of a given call; for example, “we’ll call back” or “call unsuccessful.” Limit is 255 characters. A Salesforce admin can customize the selections in the picklist. |
Call Type | Indicates the call type: inbound, internal, or outbound. A Salesforce admin can customize the selections in the picklist. |
Comments | Contains a description of the task. The limit is 32 KB of data. If Spell Checker is enabled in your org, a user can spell-check the contents. |
Create Recurring Series of Tasks | This checkbox lets a user set up a series of recurring tasks. Enabling this option disables the Due Date field, because each task occurrence in a series has a different due date. |
Created By | Indicates the user who created the task, along with the task creation date and time. Read only. |
Division | Indicates the division to which the task belongs. This value is inherited from the related account, lead, case, or custom object, if any. Otherwise, the task belongs to the global division. Available only in orgs in which divisions are used to segment data. |
Due Date | Indicates the date when the task is due. |
Available in Salesforce Classic. Contains the email address of the contact or lead associated with the task. This field is filled in with the value from the related contact or lead record. In Lightning Experience, hover over the Related To record to access the email address. | |
Last Modified By | Indicates the user who last changed the task, along with the task modification date and time. This field is read only. |
Name | Contains the name of the contact or lead related to the task. If Shared Activities is enabled in your org, a user can relate up to 50 contacts to a non-recurring task. This field is visible only to users who have the “Read” permission for contacts and leads. Relating a contact to a task can affect the account to which Salesforce relates the task. See the Related To field. |
Phone | Available in Salesforce Classic. Contains the phone number of the contact or lead related to the task. In Lightning Experience, hover over the Related To record to access the phone number. |
Priority | Indicates the urgency of the task; for example, low, medium, or high. A Salesforce admin can customize the selections in the picklist. |
Public | By selecting this checkbox, a user can specify that the completed task is visible in the Self-Service portal. If digital experiences are enabled in your org, this field specifies whether a task is visible to external users in Experience Cloud sites. If an external user owns the task, that user sees the task in the site regardless of whether it’s marked Public. This field isn’t visible by default. A Salesforce admin can make it visible. |
Related To | Indicates the record that the task is related to, such as an account or an opportunity. This field is available only when a user relates the task to a contact, not to a lead. The record is visible only to users with the “Read” permission for the type of record the task is related to. If a user relates the task to an object other than an account, Salesforce determines the account on the task as follows.
Status | Indicates the status of a task; for example, “not started” or “completed.” A Salesforce admin can customize the selections in the picklist. |
Subject | Contains the subject of the task. |
Task Record Type | Contains the name of the field that determines which picklist values are available for the record. Available in Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Editions. |
Type | Indicates the task type; for example, Email or Meeting. Limit for values in the picklist is 40 characters. |