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TAPSS - EOFY Issues (Receipting 06-Jul to 07-Jul-2023 Run)
Issues/Errors Encountered and Workaround
During the initial attempt of the Receipting process, some related flows and process builders were producing errors, halting the completion of the process. These flows and process builders are listed below:
Process Builder - Automate task for GA for Pledge (v2) - replaced by USYD Automate task for GA for Pledge (subflow) )
Process Builder - Description - HOLD RECEIPT (v4) - replaced by USYD Description - HOLD RECEIPT (subflow)
Flow - AQC Donor Contact Type Auto-Updater (v2) - replaced by USYD AQC Donor Contact Type Auto-Updater (subflow)
Flow - (Affinaquest) Update Gift Designations (v1) - this is still active in PROD
The Workaround
Since the Receipting process is important, and there’s no quick fix that can address the errors being encountered when the above process builders and flows are enabled, it was decided that these automations will just be disabled temporarily, and then manually do the intended updates/operation of each, once the Receipting process is completed.
Process Builder - Automate task for GA for Pledge - Disabled
The process builder creates Task record for each updated Gift/Pledge record that went into ‘Pending review’ status. Since this is disabled during the Receipting process, due checks were done to determine if there are Gift/Pledge records that require manual creation of the relevant Task record.
Below are the steps done to check if there are records that require manual creation of Task record:
First check: SOQL to see if there are Gifts/Pledges records that are in ‘Pending review’ covering the FY.
SELECT Id,,AQB__Gift__r.USyd_Pledge_Status__c
FROM AQB__Transaction__c
WHERE DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) >= 2022-07-01
AND DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) <= 2023-06-30
AND AQB__Gift__r.USyd_Pledge_Status__c = 'Pending review'
Result: The above SOQL, when summarized resulted in 5 Gift/Pledge Records, which already has automatically created Task records. No manual record update or record creation done.
Second check: SOQL to check if there are Gift/Pledge that are in ‘Pending review’ based Transaction records' related Receipt’s creation date (vs Receipting date).
FROM AQB__Transaction__c
WHERE DAY_ONLY(AQB__Receipt__r.CreatedDate) = 2023-07-07
AND AQB__Gift__r.USyd_Pledge_Status__c='Pending review'
Just another approach of checking, but the goal is the same - to identify if there are Gift/Pledge records that are in ‘Pending review’ that may need manual creation of relevant Task record.
Result: The above SOQL yielded 0 result. This means no Gift/Pledge record requires manual creation of auto-generated Task record. No manual record update or record creation done.
Process Builder - Description - HOLD RECEIPT - Disabled
This process builder is triggered when Transaction is created or edited. This process builder has two criteria nodes, and so the details below were segregated per criteria node. Here are the criteria nodes based on each criteria node name:
Check if the receipt on hold is checked.
Copy description to text area field
Node 1: “Check if the receipt on hold is checked.”
Condition (translated to semi pseudo-code):
AQB__OriginatingBatchItemTransaction__r.AQB__BatchItemID__r.AQB__ApproveReceipt__c IS TRUE
AND AQB__OriginatingBatchItemTransaction__r.AQB__Description__c IS NOT NULL
AND AQB__Batch__r.RecordTypeId='0124a0000004KatAAE'
Action Operation: Update Records
Name: Update Receipt Description
Target Record(s): Related Gift/Pledge Record’s Receipts
Target Field(s): Receipt On Hold Reason
Since this process builder was disabled, the following SOQL statement was executed to check if there are records that need manual update. This SOQL statement is based on the criteria defined in this criteria node.
Result: The SOQL above produced 0 rows. This means that if the process builder was enabled during the Receipting process, no record will be processed by this particular node because no records met the defined condition/criteria, hence no record are to be manually updated. No manual record update or record creation done.
Node 2: Copy description to text area field
Condition (translated to semi pseudo-code):
Type: Update Records
Name: copy details to text area field
Target Record(s): (Current) Transaction
Target Field(s): Text Area Description
Since this process builder was disabled, based on the above condition of this criteria node, the following SOQL statement was executed to check if there are records that need manual update.
object is used to determine if there were changes that happened on the applicable Transaction records' AQB__Description__c
field, which is part of the condition (Is changed operator).
Result: This SOQL statement returned 0 when executed, hence there’s no record to update or process manually. No manual record update or record creation done.
Flow - AQC Donor Contact Type Auto-Updater - DISABLED
The flow is triggered when a Gift/Pledge record is created or updated, with no defined entry criteria. The flow logic is defined into two parts:
Set Gift Driver Derivation (Usyd_Gift_Driver_Derivation__c) to TRUE when the record’s account changes.
Set the primary/secondary type to Donor if not yet Donor.
First Part: Set Gift Driver Derivation (Usyd_Gift_Driver_Derivation__c) to TRUE when the record’s account changes
To check if there were data that needs to be manually updated, the following SOQL statement were executed:
Result: This SOQL statement returned 0 when executed, hence there’s no record to update or process manually. No manual record update or record creation done.
Second Part: Set the primary/secondary type to Donor if not yet Donor
In the Receipting process, contact types are not expected to change. No manual record update or record creation done.
Update Gift Designation - Disabled
This is a managed package (Affinaquest) flow which has a known issue. So it was recommended to for this to be turned-OFF. No manual record update or record creation done.
Manually Updated Receipts
A Total of 62 receipts were voided in error as a result of the receipting utility creating consolidated receipts that were performed on July 6th and 7th of 2023. There currently is no option to set the utility to not automatically void receipts. Below are the only settings that Admins can configure in Affinaquest:
Receipting Enabled turns receipting on or off for the organization. The default is off.
Maximum % allowed for Quids sets the percent of the gift total that the quid can be for the donor to get a tax receipt. In Canada, the quid cannot be valued at more than 80% of the gift for a receipt to be issued. Receipts will not be generated for gifts where the quid exceeds this percent. If you do not wish to have a limit, leave this blank.
Maximum Amount Before Approval is Needed is the threshold at which a receipt will need approval. Receipts that need approval are flagged and not generated automatically with other receipts. This can be manually checked on each gift. If the gift exceeds the threshold, it will be flagged even if not manually flagged during gift entry. If you do not want any receipts to be flagged for approval, set this field to -99. If you want all flagged, set to 0.
Signator Required allows you to set the field of Signator as a required field during data entry. The Signator is the Contact on the Account with the legal credit for the gift. Every transaction will have a signator, but if this flag set to yes, it requires the user to populate the field for pledge payments and added transactions during gift entry. If not set to yes, the system will determine the signator based on the distribution of the legal credit on the Account.
Hence, a Manual Update was necessary. The erroneously voided receipts were restored manually as a bulk via the data import wizard tool. This manual update essentially updated values of the Receipt object fields: Voided, Void Note, Voided Date.
Prior to the manual update, the following were verified first, ensuring that only non-legitimate receipt voids will be restored:
Associated Gift of the receipts is not of a Recurring Gift Type—extracted Gift Types of the 62 receipts: Gift, and Pledge.
Acknowledgement type of the receipts is valid—extracted Acknowledgement Types of the 62 receipts: Default, Email - Receipt, and Non Research Grant.
In order to maintain confidentiality, specific receipt details have been excluded from this document.