TractSeg & Tractometry Examples

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TractSeg & Tractometry Examples

This page will show examples of Tractseg commands that are currently being tested. Official TractSeg documentation is listed here.


To run TractSeg on Artemis, you will need to load python modules and modules that need to support pytorch. If you are using python/3.6.5 - module load cuda/10.0.130 & openmpi-gcc/3.1.3
For python/3.7.7 - module load magma/2.5.3 & openmpi-gcc/3.1.5


Running TractSeg Tractometry with peaks given from mrtrix3

  1. Continuing from a mrtrix pipeline, you need to extract the peaks of each voxel (sh2peaks).

  2. You will need to run the standard TractSeg pipeline for:

    1. segmentations

    2. Tract Orientation Maps (TOMs)

    3. tractograms

  3. a) Perform tractometry (segment each streamline) using peaks created from mrtrix3 pipeline

#!/bin/bash -v #PBS -P FFCheng #PBS -N TractSeg_Tractometry #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=16:ngpus=1:mem=16GB #PBS -q=main #PBS -l walltime=4:00:00 #PBS -q defaultQ cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR module load openmpi-gcc/3.1.3 module load cuda/10.0.130 module load python/3.6.5 module load mrtrix3tissue/5.2.7 module load fsl/6.0.3 module load ants/2.3.2 module load mrtrix3/3.0.1 export FSLMETHOD=NONE tractseg_path=/scratch/FFCheng/DWI_mrtrix_longitudinal/Matched/TractSeg/${sub}/ mkdir ${tractseg_path} cd ${tractseg_path} sh2peaks /scratch/FFCheng/DWI_mrtrix_longitudinal/Matched/mrtrix3/DataProcessed/${sub}/tmp/${sub}_wmfod.mif.gz ${tractseg_path}${sub}_peaks.nii.gz TractSeg -i ${tractseg_path}${sub}_peaks.nii.gz TractSeg -i ${tractseg_path}${sub}_peaks.nii.gz --output_type endings_segmentation TractSeg -i ${tractseg_path}${sub}_peaks.nii.gz --output_type TOM Tracking -i ${tractseg_path}${sub}_peaks.nii.gz --tracking_format tck --nr_fibers 5000 cd ${tractseg_path}tractseg_output Tractometry -i TOM_trackings/ -o Tractometry.csv -e endings_segmentations/ -s ${tractseg_path}${sub}_peaks.nii.gz --TOM TOM/ --tracking_format tck --peak_length


b) Perform tractometry (segment each streamline) using preprocessed DWI

#mrconvert ${dataproc_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed.mif.gz ${tractseg_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed.nii.gz -export_grad_fsl ${tractseg_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed.bvecs ${tractseg_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed.bvals -force #dwi2tensor ${dataproc_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed.mif.gz ${tractseg_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed_tensor.mif -force #tensor2metric ${tractseg_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed_tensor.mif -fa ${tractseg_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed_FA.nii.gz -force TractSeg -i ${tractseg_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed.nii.gz -o ${tractseg_path} --raw_diffusion_input TractSeg -i ${tractseg_path}${sub}_peaks.nii.gz --output_type endings_segmentation TractSeg -i ${tractseg_path}${sub}_peaks.nii.gz --output_type TOM Tracking -i ${tractseg_path}${sub}_peaks.nii.gz --tracking_format tck --nr_fibers 5000 cd ${tractseg_path}tractseg_output Tractometry -i TOM_trackings/ -o Tractometry.csv -e endings_segmentations/ -s ${tractseg_path}${sub}_DWI_preprocessed_FA.nii.gz --tracking_format tck


Plotting results

You will need to load the same modules as listed above to plot results.

tractseg_path=/scratch/FFCheng/DWI_mrtrix_longitudinal/Matched/TractSeg/${sub}/ cd /scratch/FFCheng/DWI_mrtrix_longitudinal/Matched/TractSeg/ plot_tractometry_results -i /scratch/FFCheng/DWI_mrtrix_longitudinal/Matched/TractSeg/subjects.txt -o tractometry_result.png --mc


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