Get an Artemis Account

You need Artemis access before you can submit jobs to Artemis using your Matlab client.

Install Matlab R2017a or Matlab R2018a

Only Matlab R2017a or Matlab R2018a can submit Matlab jobs to Artemis, so you will need to install one of these two versions on your computer. The University of Sydney has a site license for Matlab and provides access to this license at no cost to Sydney University researchers. You can download and install Matlab from the Softserv website or Mathworks.

Import the Artemis cluster profile

The Artemis cluster profile is a set of Matlab scripts provided by the University that tells your Matlab client how to submit jobs to Artemis. Follow these instructions to import the Artemis cluster profile into your Matlab client:

If you successfully imported the Artemis cluster profile, you should see a new cluster profile called Artemis in the Cluster Profile manager.

Artemis cluster profile configuration

The imported Artemis cluster profile needs additional configuration before use. Follow the steps below to complete the configuration:

Matlab cannot submit jobs to the scavenger queue. Jobs submitted to scavenger will be rejected with an error. 

A sample Artemis cluster profile is shown below:

Validate the Artemis cluster profile

To ensure the Artemis cluster profile is working, run the Cluster profile Validation:

R2017a validation failure bug fix for Linux users

The Matlab R2017a cluster profile validation on Linux fails with a rather cryptic error about timezones and a script called datetime.m. If you encounter this bug, you can either use Matlab R2018a, which has fixed this bug, or you can follow the below steps:

  1. Back up your datetime.m file. The path to datetime.m is:

where MATLABROOT is the directory where Matlab R2017a is installed on your computer.

2. Download the datetime_FIXED.m file by right-clicking the link and selecting "Save Link As..." (or equivalent for your web browser version) and rename it to datetime.m.

3. Copy the datetime.m file you just renamed in step 2 to:
