The University of Sydney provides a research data storage service, called RDS, to researchers at the University of Sydney to meet modern data handling requirements. Data in RDS is regularly backed up, has built in redundancy, and is covered by the University’s Information Security Policy.

Your RDS data is available on Artemis login nodes and data transfer nodes in the following directory:

/rds/PRJ-<short project code>

For example, if your project's short code is "PANDORA", then your RDS data would be available in the directory:


If you are logged into Artemis, you can use standard linux shell commands, such as cp, mv and rsync to move data to and from Artemis and RDS.

An example command to copy data between /scratch and /rds is:

rsync -rt /scratch/PANDORA/ /rds/PRJ-PANDORA/artemisHPCdata

For best data transfer performance, consider running your data transfer as a job submitted to the data transfer queue.

Only the Artemis login nodes and data transfer nodes can access /rds. If you need to analyse data on Artemis, you must transfer your data from /rds to either /project or /scratch before submitting your job.

Your RDS directory is not visible in /rds by typing "ls" in this directory. However, the directory is there. If you copy data into this directory or "cd" into it, your directory will appear.