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Longitudinal pre-processing
The longitudinal stream extracts reliable volume and thickness estimations across individuals across multiple time points. This workflow generates an unbiased within-subject template space and image to create a new data set in a longitudinal series, improving robustness and sensitivity of the overall longitudinal analysis.
Further information on the importance of the longitudinal pre-processing stream, and steps on how to run it are listed here and here.
There are 3 main steps for longitudinal pre-processing:
1. Recon-all
Cross sectionally process all time points with the default recon-all pipeline (manually or automatically)
recon-all -i FTD####.nii -subjid subject1_tp1 -all
2. Base
Create an unbiased template from all time points for each subject.
recon-all -base subject1_template -tp subject1_tp1 -tp subject1_tp2 -tp subject1_tp3 ... -all
3. Long
Longitudinally process all time points
recon-all -long subject1_tp1 subject1_template -all
recon-all -long subject1_tp2 subject1_template -all
recon-all -long subject1_tp3 subject1_template -all