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HEP database is available in Australia as confirmed by Priscila but does not necessarily robust (AQ updates the database automatically)
Good to Gift and Benevity (lots of companies in different territories)
challenged fund, what would be the best option, put them in one fund or transfer them to their actual designation
AQ suggests to create separate accounts for
Benevity (Employer) Matching Gift
Benevity (Employee) Impact Fund
Subsidiary (Employer) Matching Gift
Subsidiary (Employee) Impact Fund
we need to discuss with DRS about the consolidated matching gift structure where the LC is on Benevity account and the employer and company are soft credited. As we are not counting soft credits, these then won’t be counted against the donor’s accounts but instead counted against the Benevity Account. AS IS, we are doing in reverse, the LC is on the donor and soft credit the Benevity account. But if we switch the approach it is going to impact our giving reporting.
DAF, how do we count the giving against the donor? It is done manually. We need to distiguish soft credits that are just credited because they are associated with the account you got the fund from vs funds that came through Benevity and soft credits the donor.
an idea from Priscila, include a flag that would indicate related to matching gift so that when reporting we include those soft credits.
Activate consolidated gift picklist
Priscila to look into Fees functionality
discuss with DRS about the change in gift structure around Benevity (LC and soft credits are switched in reverse)
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