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Our scenario is more of Organisation account with soft crediting a particular contact who belongs to a multi-contact household
in UAT when we tested, it is forcing to give 100% LC in SmartBatch before batch can be closed.
However this issue is fixed in v26.
Basically there are two ways to give GRC to a contact now. Through soft credit and through Affiliate relationship.
run a data integrity report to see how many organisations currently have legal credit on a contact?
Test GRC on an org gift which shouldn’t force 100% LC in latest version
where is 100 LC is used in reporting
Matching Gifts - Challenged Gifts
normal scenario, a challenged donor will do a campaign and will match the gifts to the campaign on designation the donor selected
USYD’s case is where challenged donor will match gifts up to certain amount and will match those gifts with their corresponding designations. The campaign in a way incentivizes potential donor that their gifts will be matched.
we just set it up as a pledge that had the one installment like, we do with planned gifts and then add to that
Do you wanna make your gift count better if you give to our match giving funds when we do our next appeal, you could help incentivize donors to give. And then those funds will basically turn that donor's gift $100 gift into $200 gift.
So there's a match giving appeal. And they're using people who gave to that match giving appeal to incentivize people from other appeals.
when that appeal is successful, and it's for equity scholarships, then the funds need to come out of match giving into equity scholarships.
Priscila Tello-Vela going to create a flow chart of possible solutions depending on the type of challenge gift model. (i.e. 500 moved to all other designations that donors have given to and to different appeals)
we don't want to void the receipt. But it’s also hard because we AQ is voiding the transaction which makes the utility also void the receipt linked to the voided transaction.
not recommended to directly edit the designation on transactions
be cautious not too create elaborate automation for infrequent cases such as the split receipting for a joint gift scenario