The table below summarizes the flow Campaign member status update - restructure - V2 which appends campaign member statuses into the campaign based on the Record type and the Type of compaign
Campaign Record Type | Type | flow label | Sent | Responded | Opened | Clicked | Bounced | Unsubscibed | Sent with no response | Donated | RTS | Declined | Cancelled | Registered | Participated | Excluded | Included | NPS 1 to 10 |
Appeal | Email | Appeal |
| 🟢 | x | x | x | 🔵 | 🟡 |
Appeal | Direct mail | Appeal_DM |
| 🔵 | 🟡 | x |
Event Invitation | not Direct mail | Event_Invitation |
| x | x | x | x | 🔵 |
| x | x | 🟡 |
Event Invitation | Direct mail | Event_invitation_DM |
| x | 🔵 |
| x | x | x | 🟡 |
Post-event Evaluation | Post_event_Evaluation |
| x | x | x | x | 🔵 |
| 🟡 |
Survey | Email or Multi-Channel | Survey_Email_Multi |
| x | x | x | x | 🔵 |
| 🟡 |
Survey | Direct mail | Survey_DM |
| x | 🔵 |
| x |
| 🟡 |
Form Campaign | Form_Campaign |
| x | x | x | x | 🔵 |
| 🟡 |
Institutional Communication | not Direct mail | Intst_Comms |
| x | 🟡 | x | x | 🔵 |
Institutional Communication | Direct mail | Inst_comms_DM |
| 🔵🟡 |
| x |
Appeal | not Direct mail and not Email | Appeal_Others |
| x |
| 🔵🟡 |
Peer to Peer Fundraising or Memorial Giving |
| x |
| 🔵🟡 |
| |
Internal List | Internal_list |
| 🟡 | x | 🔵 |
All others |
| 🔵 | 🟡 |
🟢 Added
🟡 Has Responded = True
🔵 default
* default
If campaign record type is contact campaign appeal or an account campaign appeal, the first time an account/contact gives to the campaign, it will create a campaign member record
zendesk ticket # 4549 has been raised to inquire about a documentation regarding this but they have respondeded that “There isn't any documentation on this specific scenario, it's just in the code.”
This flow Usyd Campaign member status update when new transaction created - V6 updates the status to Donated when a transaction is created, however, the status needs to exist in the campaign.
Come version AQ version 21
Campaign Member Updated when a Gift is Given
Campaign members will now be updated when a gift is given to the campaign for which they were solicited for appropriate Campaign Record Types.
The new field Gift Given (AQB__GiftGiven__c) will be checked when the solicited Campaign Member has a gift/pledge added through Smart Batch.
If the Contact on an Account is already a Campaign Member, the Campaign Member row will be updated: Gift Given box checked, the First Transaction field will be populated with a link to the transaction and the First Transaction Date populated with the date of the Gift. The Start Date of the Campaign Member row will be populated with the Create Date of the row.
If there are other Contacts on the Account of the Campaign Member that receive credit for the gift they will have a row created with the Gift Given box checked, the First Transaction field populated with a link to the transaction, the First Transaction Date populated with the date of the Gift and the Start Date populated with the date of the Gift.
An Apex Class, CampaignMemberGiftUpdateBatch, has been added to populate the First Transaction, First Transaction Date and check the Gift Given box for existing Campaign Member rows. The Apex Job can be run through the new Apex Launcher in Setup.