selects the transactions based on the criteria from form
Code Block language sql select id,AQB__Gift__c from AQB__Transaction__c where DAY_ONLY(convertTimezone(CreatedDate)) >= 2022-07-01 and DAY_ONLY(convertTimezone(CreatedDate)) <= 2023-06-30
export in excel and get unique Gift IDs and use Apsona to report on transactions with these Gift IDs
Uses the gifts for those tranactions to select all of the gifts transactions
If any of those transctions are marked as Voided (using isVoided flag on transaction)
Looks at those voided transaction if they are linked to a receipt and that receipt is not marked as voided, then the receipt is counted in # of Receipts to Void
in the example above for 2021-2023, there will 177 transactions who belong to 67 Receipts to be voided. But as mentioned, this may not tally with AQ’s numbers because of an issue they are already aware and should be in future release. However, using this method/approach, it should be relatively close.
Apsona Receipt proofing / printing / emailing