Jira Legacy | ||||||
Activate Soft Credit in the Method field in the Batch Item Transaction object
Ensure https://bitbucket.org/sydneyuni/uos-sfdx/branch/TAPSS-2400 is deployed and ‘Soft Credit’ is activated for the
Object AQB__BatchItemTransaction__c
Field - AQB__Method__c
Replace the document ‘BatchApprovalReport (ASOP) 082023.docx’(Prod - https://sydneyuni-adv.my.salesforce.com/0158v000000AoeGAAS) with the below new document.
Document Name | BatchApprovalReport (ASOP) 082023.docx |
Proposed to change Page Orientation to Landscape, so that table columns can be increased
Update the Batch Item Transaction Report as below
Add the fields Account Name,Gift/Pledge Number,Anonymous as below
Update Merge Action for Batch Approval Report
Map additional fiels as per the SoftCredits section (Date, Amount, Designation, Designation Number)
Under Linkage
Under Record Group: Transaction.
Update the Filter
Update the Linkage
Click Next → Save&Close
Proposed to change Page Orientation to Landscape, so that table columns can be increased