Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


































































































































titleGenerating Receipt Records

Receipt Records are generated from AQ Receipting Utility, here’s an excerpt from AQ zendesk:

Receipting Lightning Web Component

To access the Receipting Lightning Web Component, go to the App Launcher and select Receipting (you may need to create at tab - please see Configuration - Receipting

Receipts can be generated for a date range, by batch or individually by gift number.

Annual Receipts and Receipts Needing Approval are excluded by default, but can be added to the group to be receipted by checking the boxes.

  1. Choose Find Transactions to Receipt and you will see the number and total of the receipts to be created.

  2. Then choose Create Receipts.

Image Removed

Once receipt rows have been created and receipts generated, you can view the receipt information on the Account.

Information on the receipt is on the gift record and the check boxes can be updated if needed after gift entry.  The receipt count cannot be updated manually.  It will increment based on the number of times the receipt is issued or voided.

Image Removed

The electronic file will be attached to the Receipt row when issued.

Image Removed

Data Derivation for receipting


Merge Document


Jarvis / Apsona







«IF CareOf»«AccountName»

«ELSE IF AccrecordType !="Household"»


«IF CareOf»Care Of: «CareOf»

«ELSE IF Deceased»Sir/Madam

«ELSE IF LegalCreditCheckLess100Greater0»

«IF PSalutation»«PSalutation»«ENDIF»

«PFirstName» «PLastName»

«IF PSuffix»«PSuffix»«ENDIF» and «IFSSalutation»«SSalutation»«ENDIF»

«SFirstName» «SLastName»

«IF SSuffix» «SSuffix»«ENDIF»

«ELSE IF LegalCreditCheck100»

«IF LegalCreditSalutation»

«LegalCreditFirstName» «LegalCreditLastName»

«IF LegalCreditSuffix» «LegalCreditSuffix»«ENDIF»«ENDIF»

«IF MailingLine1»«MailingLine1»«ENDIF»

«IF MailingLine2»«MailingLine2»«ENDIF»

«IF MailingLine3»«MailingLine3»«ENDIF»

«IF City»«City»«ENDIF» «State» «PostCode»

















«IF Pledge»«LastPaymentDate»«ELSE»«GiftDate»«ENDIF»




Received from




Gift/Pledge Number.GRC roll-up

Flow: Gift Pledge Update - V6

Trigger: Gift/Pledge Created or Edited

If GRC exist:

concatenate contacts’:

Contact.Receipt Name


Contact.FirstName Contact.LastName


Account.Account Name

Gift Pledge Update - V6

















Generating Receipt Document


Apsona items in UAT is not currently synced with Production. remove this warning once they are both synced.

The following are the reports used in generating Receipt Documents


Apsona Multi Step Report


Merge Action


Template Field Map


Document Template


Email Template


Salutation Calculation field


Change History / Comments


Receipt - Email


Generate Email and Attach to Record


Code Block
"SalutationJava":"Calculated_Steps____Salutation - Java",

USYD_New Standard Receipt Template - Aug 26th _ 2022.docx

View file
nameUSYD_New Standard Receipt Template - Aug 26th _ 2022.docx

If Receipt.Acknowledgement type

Research Grant

Non Research Grant


Email Receipt




Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

  • Template and mapping are updated for Email and non-email Apsona receipt reports.

  • The merge field formula on the template is removed and replaced with amerge field which is mapped to a calculated field (Java) in Apsona.

  • This new java calculated field is also mapped to the Jarvis email template salutation.


Receipt - Non Email


Generate Document and Attach to Record






Consolidated Receipts - Email


Email Consolidated Receipts


USYD_Consolidated Receipt Template_Updated.docx

View file
nameUSYD_Consolidated Receipt Template_Updated (2).docx


Consolidated Receipt




Non Email Consolidated Receipts


No Email Consolidated Receipts






Reprint Receipt


Reprint Receipts

USYD_New Standard Receipt Template_Reprint - Edited - BP.docx

View file
nameUSYD_New Standard Receipt Template_Reprint - Edited - BP (3).docx






Reprint Consolidated Receipts


Consolidated Receipts - Reprint


USYD_Consolidated Receipt Template_Reprint.docx

View file
nameUSYD_Consolidated Receipt Template_Reprint (1).docx








Receipt records without Sent Receipts

Table of Contents

Process Diagram

diagramDisplayNameJarvis Receipting Process
diagramNameJarvis Receipting Process

Prerequisite to generate the Receipt

  1. There must be a Contact that is directly linked to the account (Account is NOT Orphaned) for the receipt record to be created(That is why we were forced to use Sir/Madam dummy contact). However on version 24, that will no longer be the case. There is a new feature where a special indirect contact relationship can be linked to the account and the receipt will be created.

    The Contact Role of Signator can be used in a Contact to Account relationship to relate a Contact from a Household Account to a Non-Household Account to allow for receipting of the Non-Household Account.

  2. Gift Date is not in the future

  3. Transaction has not already been receipted

  4. Transaction’s Do Not Receipt is not ticked

Direct Linked contact scenarios

The following scenarios are for which receipt cannot be created because there was no directly linked contact when Gift was created (except for household, which presumably always created with direct linked contact).

Test Scenario

Contact is selected on the receipt

Transaction Signator

Organization Account no direct linked contacts

Gift created

directly link a contact (do not mark as primary)



Organization Account no direct linked contacts

Gift created

directly link 2 contacts (do not mark as primay)



Organization Account no direct linked contacts

Gift created

directly link 2 contacts (mark one a primary)


primary contact


Organization Account no direct linked contacts

Gift created

directly link a contact (do not mark as primary)

manually add a different contact to transaction signatore




manually added

Household Account (assume always created with direct contact)

no primary contact selected on account

Gift Created




forced to select in batch creation

Household Account (assume always created with direct contact)

multiple contacts set as primary and secondary

Gift Created - signator is secondary contact


signator (secondary)


forced to select in batch creation

AQ Receipting Utility - Generating Receipt Records


Criteria for the Transaction to be pulled in for receipting:

  1. Transaction.Receipt Number field has to be null in order for the transaction to be looked at (links the transaction to the receipt, if this field is populated, the utility assumes a receipt has already been generated)

  2. On transaction type has to be Grant Payment or Payment

    Image Added
  3. Method can't be soft credit, transfer or service

  4. If using the start and end dates, note that it is based on the UTC time of creation date of the transaction, not the transaction date.


when you have loaded the utility, and something has changed (i.e. new transactions created or update happened to transactions), any changes would not reflect in the utility unless you refresh the utility page. That means, the find transaction to receipt button may not pickup newly created transactions so make sure you refreshed the page.


Information coming form AQ developer :

#receipts to void

  • selects the transactions based on the criteria from form

  • Uses the gifts for those tranactions to select all of the gifts transactions

  • If any of those transctions are marked as Voided (using isVoided flag on transaction)

  • Looks at those voided transaction if they are linked to a receipt and that receipt is not marked as voided, then the receipt is counted in # of Receipts to Void

# transactions receipted

  • Selects the transactions based on the criteria from form

  • Uses the gifts for those transactions to select all of the gifts transactions

  • If gift for the transaction is marked as No Receipt false and the gift date is less than or equal to today's date

  • If the transaction is not voided and the transaction not linked to a receipt row or linked receipt is already voided AND it is running on a selected gift number or a Batch Number (not annual             receipts) OR running annual receipts and gift is marked for annual receipt and if running for approval and gift is marked as receipt approved.

  • Then quids are checked to validate if the quid amount is covered (see explanation below) and then there must be a signator or a valid contact to receive the receipt.)

# new receipts

  • Selects the transactions based on the criteria from form

  • Uses the gifts for those transactions to select all of the gifts transactions

  • If gift for the transaction is marked as No Receipt false and the gift date is less than or equal to today's date

  • If the transaction is not voided and the transaction not linked to a receipt row or linked receipt is already voided AND it is running on a selected gift number or a Batch Number (not annual             receipts) OR running annual receipts and gift is marked for annual receipt and if running for approval and gift is marked as receipt approved.

  • Then quids are checked to validate if the quid amount is covered (see explanation below) and then there must be a signator or a valid contact to receive the receipt.)

  • Count is based on the Signator/Contact to receipt, so if 1 Signator has 3 receipts it is only counted as 1.

titleGenerating Receipt Records

Receipt Records are generated from AQ Receipting Utility, here’s an excerpt from AQ zendesk:

Receipting Lightning Web Component

To access the Receipting Lightning Web Component, go to the App Launcher and select Receipting (you may need to create at tab - please see Configuration - Receipting

Receipts can be generated for a date range, by batch or individually by gift number.

Annual Receipts and Receipts Needing Approval are excluded by default, but can be added to the group to be receipted by checking the boxes.


When running the receipting utility and selecting by batch, it does not skip receipts with annual flag

When selecting by batch, it should select all the items in the batch that have been processed but not receipted.  It does not currently skip based on Annual Receipt or Receipt Needs Approval.   This is going to have some options in the next release.

  1. Choose Find Transactions to Receipt and you will see the number and total of the receipts to be created.

  2. Then choose Create Receipts.


Note that after creating the receipts, the tab will need to be refreshed (or new window) in order for the records created to be recognized. Otherwise, the tool will keep on fetching the same transactions to be receipted. The reset button just clears out the input boxes. Therefore, if something has changed that needed to be reflected in the Receipting Utility, it is necessary to reload the tool in a new window. Please see attached video for illustration. This has been raised to AQ Zendesk for reference

video1120102716.mp4Image Added

Once receipt rows have been created and receipts generated, you can view the receipt information on the Account.

Information on the receipt is on the gift record and the check boxes can be updated if needed after gift entry.  The receipt count cannot be updated manually.  It will increment based on the number of times the receipt is issued or voided.

Image Added

The electronic file will be attached to the Receipt row when issued.

Image Added


How the system fetches “unreceipted” transaction is through the “Receip Number” on Transaction record. Transaction.Receipt Number links the transaction to the receipt, if this field is populated, the utility assumes a receipt has already been generated. Transaction type has to be grant payment or payment. Method can't be soft credit, transfer or service.

Jira Ticket

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
had an issue because the dummy Receipt has been deleted when cleaning up receipts. Because of this, previously receipted transactions are being fetched and included into the new receipt being created.


when we run the receipting by date range it automatically voids all receipts in that date range that are attached to a modified gift. Jira ticket

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
tackles an open issue on receitping where Annual receipt is being receipted by the utility and recurring gift batchs is not being receipted with batch # search.

Apsona MSR - Data Derivation for receipting General Template/Mapping

Some logic were built into the Merge doc template itself. Please see below where the values are being picked from (merge field from document template are mapped to Apsona MSR field). This is technical field mapping.

Merge Document (Doc template)

Jarvis (Apsona) - Field Mapping



  • Receipt____AQB__Receipt__c__AQB__ReceiptDate__c


«IF CareOf»«AccountName»

«ELSE IF AccrecordType !="Household"»


«IF CareOf»Care Of: «CareOf»

«ELSE IF Deceased»Sir/Madam

«ELSE IF LegalCreditCheckLess100Greater0»

«IF PSalutation»«PSalutation»«ENDIF»

«PFirstName» «PLastName»«IF PSuffix»«PSuffix»«ENDIF»

and «IFSSalutation»«SSalutation»«ENDIF»

«SFirstName» «SLastName»«IF SSuffix» «SSuffix»«ENDIF»

«ELSE IF LegalCreditCheck100»

«IF LegalCreditSalutation»«LegalCreditSalutation»«ENDIF»

«LegalCreditFirstName» «LegalCreditLastName»

«IF LegalCreditSuffix» «LegalCreditSuffix»«ENDIF»«ENDIF»

«IF MailingLine1»«MailingLine1»«ENDIF»

«IF MailingLine2»«MailingLine2»«ENDIF»

«IF MailingLine3»«MailingLine3»«ENDIF»

«IF City»«City»«ENDIF» «State» «PostCode»


  • "CareOf":"Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___USYD_Receipting_Care_of__c"

  • "AccrecordType":"Account____RecordTypeId"

  • "AccountName":"Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___Name"

  • "Deceased":"Receipt____AQB__ContactId__c___AQB__Deceased__c"

  • "LegalCreditCheckLess100Greater0":"Calculated_Steps____>0<100"
    where >0<100 :
    ({!Gift Recognition Credit.Gift Recognition Credit.Legal Credit %} > 0) &&
    ({!Gift Recognition Credit.Gift Recognition Credit.Legal Credit %} < 100) ? "PS" : ""

  • "LegalCreditCheck100": "Calculated_Steps____100%"
    where 100% :
    ({!Gift Recognition Credit.Gift Recognition Credit.Legal Credit %}==100) ? "C" : ""

  • "PSalutation": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___Salutation"

  • "PFirstName": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___FirstName"

  • "PLastName": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___LastName"

  • "PSuffix": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___Suffix"

  • "SSalutation": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___Salutation"

  • "SFirstName": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___FirstName"

  • "SLastName": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___LastName"

  • "SSuffix": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___Suffix"

  • "LegalCreditSalutation": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___Salutation"

  • "LegalCreditFirstName": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___FirstName"

  • "LegalCreditLastName": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___LastName"

  • "LegalCreditSuffix": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___Suffix"

  • "MailingLine1": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineOne__c"

  • "MailingLine2": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineTwo__c"

  • "MailingLine3": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineThree__c"

  • "City": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingCity"

  • "State": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingState"

  • "PostCode": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingPostalCode"



Code Block
(function () {
	// define all  merge fields to be used as variables for shorter reference
	var accountType = {!Account.Account.Account Type};
    var grclc = {!Gift Recognition Credit.Gift Recognition Credit.Legal Credit %};
	// it is actually not accurate to assume that the GRC is given to the Primary and Secondary contacts of the account.
	// it is actually possible to have the primary and secondary contact not set and still award the GRC records, in the off
	// chance that this happens to be, the receipt will print blank names on salutaion.
    var PLastName = {!Account.Primary Contact.Last Name} ? {!Account.Primary Contact.Last Name} : "";
    var PFirstName = {!Account.Primary Contact.First Name} ? {!Account.Primary Contact.First Name} : "";
    var SLastName = {!Account.Secondary Contact.Last Name} ? {!Account.Secondary Contact.Last Name} : "";
    var SFirstName = {!Account.Secondary Contact.First Name} ? {!Account.Secondary Contact.First Name} : "";
    var salutation1 = {!Account.Primary Contact.Salutation} ? {!Account.Primary Contact.Salutation} : "";
    var salutation2 = {!Account.Secondary Contact.Salutation} ? {!Account.Secondary Contact.Salutation} : "";
    var careof = {!Receipt.Account.Receipting Care of};
    var method = 0;
	var PstandaloneSal = {!Contact Primary.Salutation Link.Standalone Salutation};
	var SstandaloneSal = {!Contact Secondary.Salutation Link.Standalone Salutation};
	// if standalone salutation, don't print the names
	if (PstandaloneSal) {
		PLastName = "";
		PFirstName = "";
	// if standalone salutation, don't print the names
	if (SstandaloneSal) {
		SLastName = "";
		SFirstName = "";
    if (grclc == 100) {
		// only one contact gets legal credit, we get the first GRC record and the credit contact of that GRC Record
        PLastName = {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.Last Name} ? {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.Last Name} : "";
        PFirstName = {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.First Name} ? {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.First Name} : "";
		// if standalone salutation, don't print the names
		if (PstandaloneSal) {
			PLastName = "";
			PFirstName = "";
        salutation1 = {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.Salutation} ? {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.Salutation} : "";
		// second contact is blank
		salutation2 = "";
        SLastName = "";
        SFirstName = "";

    // if no salutation to either of the two contacts, set the Method : use first name or Supporter
	if ((PLastName != "" && salutation1 == "") || (SLastName != "" && salutation2 == "")){
        if (PFirstName != "" && PFirstName.length > 1 && SFirstName == ""){ // one contact, first name is not one character, 
            method = 1; // use first name
        } else if (PFirstName != "" && PFirstName.length > 1 && SFirstName != "" && SFirstName.length > 1){ // two contacts, first name is not one character
            method = 1; // use first name for both contacts
        } else {
            method = 2; // no salutation and no first name, use Dear Supporter
	// Household and two contact same surname - Dear Mr Ryan and Mrs Francesca Bryant
    if ((accountType == 'Household') && (grclc < 100) && (PLastName == SLastName)) {
                case 1: // Dear Ryan and Francesca Bryant
                    return (PFirstName + " " + "and" + " " + SFirstName + " " + SLastName);
                case 2: // Dear Supporter
                    return ("Supporter");
                default: // Dear Mr and Mrs Bryant or Dear Chancellor and Mrs Bryant
                    return (salutation1 + " " + "and" + " " + salutation2 + " " + SLastName);
    // Household and two contact different surname - Dear Mr Ryan Bryant and Mrs Francesca Parkes
    } else if ((accountType == 'Household') && (grclc < 100) &&  (PLastName != SLastName)) {
                    case 1: // Dear Ryan and Francesca
                        return (PFirstName + " " + "and" + " " + SFirstName);
                    case 2: // Dear Supporter
                        return ("Supporter");
                    default: // Dear Mr Bryant and Mrs Parkes or Dear Chancellor and Mrs Parkes
                        return (salutation1 + " " + PLastName + " " + "and" + " " + salutation2 + " " + SLastName);
			// Not Household with careof
            } else if ((accountType != 'Household') && (careof)){
                    return ({!Receipt.Account.Receipting Care of});                        
                } else if ((accountType != 'Household')){
                            return ("Sir/ Madam");
                } else if ((grclc == 100)){ // Household and only one LC
                            case 1: // Dear Ryan
                                return (PFirstName);
                            case 2: // Dear Supporter
                                return ("Supporter");
                            default: // Dear Mr Bryant or Dear Chancellor
                                return (salutation1 + " " + PLastName);
                } else {
                    return "";


Thank you on behalf of the University of Sydney for your donation of «GiftAmount» to support «IF DFN2»«DFN1»«ELSE IF DFN1»«DFN1».«ENDIF»«IF DFN3», «DFN2»«ELSE IF DFN2» and «DFN2».«ENDIF»«IF DFN4», «DFN3»«ELSE IF DFN3», and «DFN3».«ENDIF» «IF DFN5», «DFN4»«ELSE IF DFN4», and «DFN4».«ENDIF»«IF DFN5», and «DFN5».«ENDIF»Please find below your official University tax receipt.

«IF SpecialWording»«SpecialWording»«ELSE»The University of Sydney is a vibrant teaching and research institution dedicated to solving real world problems. Your gift will help us to ignite the potential of our brightest minds. For generations we have recognised the power of education to lead change.  With your help, we will continue this tradition of creating a community where individuals and their ideas can flourish.«ENDIF»

  • "DFN1": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_1_DFN__c"

  • "DFN2": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_2_DFN__c"

  • "DFN3": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_3_DFN__c"

  • "DFN4": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_4_DFN__c"

  • "DFN5": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_5_DFN__c"

  • "SpecialWording": "Receipt____USYD_Campaign_Special_Wording__c",


«IF Pledge»«LastPaymentDate»«ELSE»«GiftDate»«ENDIF»

  • "LastPaymentDate": "Receipt__value__USYD_Gift_Date__c"

  • "GiftDate": "Receipt__value__AQB__GiftDate__c"

Received from

«IF USYD_OriginalReceiptName__c»«USYD_OriginalReceiptName__c»«ELSE IF GiftRecognitionCredit»«GiftRecognitionCredit»«ENDIF»

  • "GiftRecognitionCredit": "Receipt____AQB__GiftId__c___GRC_roll_up__c"

  • "USYD_OriginalReceiptName__c": "Receipt____USYD_OriginalReceiptName__c"

AQB__GiftId__c.GRC_roll_up__c is updated by

image-20250109-024906.pngImage Added

Flow: USYD Update Credited Contacts and GRC Rollup (subflow) - V1

Trigger: Gift After Save - V2

Gift Pledge Update - V6



  • "GiftAmount": "Receipt____AQB__Amount__c"



  • "ReceiptNum": "Receipt____Name"


  • "COADesignation": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_COA_Acc_Num_Roll_Up__c"

Email Recipient

Receipt.Receipt Email


which is a formula:

If the Contact email is blank or the Account is not a household, this will display the Account email, otherwise it will display the Contact email.

IF(ISBLANK(AQB__ContactId__r.Email),AQB__AccountId__r.AQB__Email__c, AQB__ContactId__r.Email)

List of Apsona MSR for Generating Receipt Document


Apsona items in UAT is not currently synced with Production. remove this warning once they are both synced.

The following are the reports used in generating Receipt Documents

Apsona Multi Step Report

Merge Action

Template Field Map

Document Template

Email Template

Salutation Calculation field

Change History / Comments

Receipt - Email


Generate Email and Attach to Record


Code Block
"SalutationJava":"Calculated_Steps____Salutation - Java",


USYD_New Standard Receipt Template - Aug 26th _ 2022.docx

View file
nameUSYD_New Standard Receipt Template - Aug 26th _ 2022.docx

If Receipt.Acknowledgement type

Research Grant or

Non Research Grant

View file
nameGrant - Acknowledgement - BP.docx

Email Receipt


Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

  • Template and mapping are updated for Email and non-email Apsona receipt reports.

  • The merge field formula on the template is removed and replaced with merge field which is mapped to a calculated field (Java) in Apsona.

  • This new java calculated field is also mapped to the Jarvis email template salutation.

Receipt - Non Email

Generate Document and Attach to Record




Reprint Receipt

Reprint Receipts


Code Block
"Receipt Gift Date ":"Receipt__value__USYD_Gift_Date__c",

USYD_New Standard Receipt Template_Reprint - Edited - BP.docx

View file
nameUSYD_New Standard Receipt Template_Reprint - Edited - BP (3).docx



Consolidated Receipts - Email

Email Consolidated Receipts


Code Block
"Different":"Calculate_Step____LC Both Different Last Name",
"Gift/Pledge Number":"Gifts_Pledges____Name",
"Same":"Calculate_Step____LC Both Same Last Name",

USYD_Consolidated Receipt Template_Updated.docx

View file
nameUSYD_Consolidated Receipt Template_Updated (2).docx

Consolidated Receipt


parametrization of fields

Image Added

Email Consolidated Receipts - No email for review only



Non Email Consolidated Receipts

No Email Consolidated Receipts




Reprint Consolidated Receipts

Consolidated Receipts - Reprint


USYD_Consolidated Receipt Template_Reprint.docx

View file
nameUSYD_Consolidated Receipt Template_Reprint (1).docx




Print Dues


Code Block
"AccountName": "Batch_Item____AQB__Account__c___Name",
"CareOf": "",
"City": "Contact____MailingCity",
"Country": "Contact____MailingCountry",
"Date": "Batch_Item__value__AQB__Date__c",
"Deceased": "",
"FirstName": "Contact____FirstName",
"GiftAmount": "Batch_Item____AQB__Total_Amount__c",
"Last Name": "Contact____LastName",
"LastName": "Contact____LastName",
"MailingLine1": "Contact____MailingStreet",
"Membership Name": "Dues_Transaction____AQB__ChartOfAccounts__c___AQB__Pretty_Nmae__c",
"PostCode": "Contact____MailingPostalCode",
"ReceiptNum": "Dues____Name",
"Salutation": "Contact____Salutation",
"State": "Contact____MailingState",
"Suffix": "",
"Tax": "Batch_Item____AQB__TaxAmount__c"

USYD_Standard MembershipTemplate2.docx

View file
nameUSYD_Standard MembershipTemplate2.docx


Receipt records without Sent Receipts


Receipt - Grant - Non Email

Generate Grant Acknowledgement


Code Block
"AccountName": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___Name",
"AccrecordType": "Account____RecordTypeId",
"COADesignation": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_COA_Acc_Num_Roll_Up__c",
"CareOf": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___USYD_Receipting_Care_of__c",
"City": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingCity",
"Country": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingCountry",
"DFN1": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_1_DFN__c",
"DFN2": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_2_DFN__c",
"DFN3": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_3_DFN__c",
"DFN4": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_4_DFN__c",
"DFN5": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_5_DFN__c",
"Deceased": "Receipt____AQB__ContactId__c___AQB__Deceased__c",
"GiftAmount": "Receipt____AQB__Amount__c",
"GiftDate": "Receipt__value__AQB__GiftDate__c",
"GiftRecognitionCredit": "Receipt____AQB__GiftId__c___GRC_roll_up__c",
"LastPaymentDate": "Receipt__value__USYD_Gift_Date__c",
"LegalCreditCheck100": "Calculated_Steps____100%",
"LegalCreditCheckLess100Greater0": "Calculated_Steps____>0<100",
"LegalCreditFirstName": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___FirstName",
"LegalCreditLastName": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___LastName",
"LegalCreditSalutation": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___Salutation",
"LegalCreditSuffix": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___Suffix",
"MailingLine1": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineOne__c",
"MailingLine2": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineTwo__c",
"MailingLine3": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineThree__c",
"PFirstName": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___FirstName",
"PLastName": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___LastName",
"PSalutation": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___Salutation",
"PSuffix": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___Suffix",
"Pledge": "Receipt____AQB__GiftId__c___RecordTypeId",
"PostCode": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingPostalCode",
"ReceiptDate": "Receipt__value__AQB__ReceiptDate__c",
"ReceiptNum": "Receipt____Name",
"SFirstName": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___FirstName",
"SLastName": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___LastName",
"SSalutation": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___Salutation",
"SSuffix": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___Suffix",
"SalutationJava": "Calculated_Steps____salutationJava",
"SpecialWording": "Receipt____USYD_Campaign_Special_Wording__c",
"State": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingState",
"Today": "Receipt__value__AQB__ReceiptDate__c"


Grant - Acknowledgement - Feb 2023 (3).docx

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nameGrant - Acknowledgement - Feb 2023 (3).docx



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