Create a new Transaction Before Save flow to capture the Original class code to existing field from COA Group one.
Created a new field Original Designation Account Number to capture the COA grouptwo-groupthree-groupfour.
Removed the field AQB_Designation_Account_Number from the layout and added the new USYD_OriginalDesignationAccountNumber.
Deactivate the existing flow “USYD Populate Chart of Accounts in Transaction (subflow)”.
And removed the sub-flow call in the main flow “Transaction After Save”.
Test Scenario 1:
Create a Batch with Batch Items and close the batch
Transactions will be auto created linked to Batch
Open the Transaction and check the Original Class code and Original Designation Account Number at page layout
COA used in the batch item
As per the business requirement, now the
transaction-Original Class Code = 1234(Segment One)
Transaction-Original Designation Account Number = 2232-3223 (Segment two-Segment three) as Segment four is blank
Test Scenario 2:
Once the batch closed and transaction created
Change the COA, segment one and add the segment four value
The Transaction values shouldn’t change