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title | Downstream deployment process |
This process is done after PROD deployments to sync sit and uat branches with master , and uses a “no-commit” branch that is based from master . Use the branch: ALL-noCommitFromMaster . Make sure to rebase the no-commit branch by running a Git pull command:
Code Block |
git pull origin master |
Push the commits. Create a pull request for merging ALL-noCommitFromMaster to sit , and another pull request to merge the same branch to uat .
Rebase Process
Recording: https://unisyd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/bob_alicante_sydney_edu_au/EcZOj_7j9-BMk09Xg2u_D8IBoeJGiE_xYeLxvaKcNbdrLQ?e=V6bscc