payment was voided but did not transfer from holding
there was failed log but the batch closed
Priscila suspects other flows that are going on that were updating stuff at the same time we were trying to close the batch
recommendation was to delete the erroneous transactions and realign the correct figures.
we tried to replicate the issue in UAT. But when we did the pledge correction batch it did not duplicate.
Jira Legacy
System JIRA
Jira Legacy
System JIRA
Priscila to ask around about why Batch Correction duplicated the grant. John recommends for to raise zendesk ticket to check with dev if there were any job scheduled around 10-11am which causes batch correction closing to hit errors
Pledge Write off Utility
Build a report to have a list of Gift/Pledge numbers of pledges we want to write off. This will write off the whole pledge. if we want to void just specific transaction then include transaction on the report.
export the report into CSV
dataloader into “Batch Pledge write off”, use upsert
go into Pledge Write off Utility and click verify write off
write off notation is applied to all, so we need group them by the write off notation when we process them
we still haven't figure out the approval process.
when running the pledge writeoff we hit the “Update Designation” flow error.
after pledge write off utility runs we need to update the pledge status
suggestion is to have a dependent field against Pledge status “Pending Review” to ask for reason so that we can group them together in report and when we do mass writeoff we can process them in their respective write off notation
Priscila to ask her colleague about queue for the pledge write off approval piece. raise a zendesk ticket regarind the flow error on “Update Designation” flow when we were running Pledge Writeoff utility in UAT
there was a flow error on “Transaction Before Save” when we turnned off the AQ flow when doing pledg write off utility
Challenged Gifts
They have a challenge campaign and there is a lookup on campaign to the Challenge Donor - Donor initiated rather than University challenge initiated
one campaign for each challenge donor
when gifts are coming in, how do we know we use the challenge appeal? as the gifts coming in also have their own appeal and we don’t want to lose that data
postponed discussion of challenged gift to 2oth Nov
Pending discussion of USYD challenged gift scenario
Covering Account
The-Ho shared discussed the migration that we did from advance.
we were looking at some data (i.e. Atlassian) but the “Related Account Receive Soft Credit” on affiliation is not ticked. We don’t know if this was reset because we don’t have history tracking for that field.
we still don’t know what to do with some accounts from Advance where there are more than one contact on a household we only need to associate the soft credit to one contact.
we have award gift credit on affiliation object (account to contact relationship)
we are having issue in smartbatch where LC is 0%.
Image Added
we updated the LC% to 100 but left the LC amount to 0
the resulting gift still gave GRC where LC amount is not zero