Table of Contents | ||||||
Merge Document (Doc template) | Jarvis (Apsona) - Field Mapping | ||||||
Date | «ReceiptDate» |
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Heading | «IF CareOf»«AccountName» «ELSE IF AccrecordType !="Household"» «AccountName»«ENDIF» «IF CareOf»Care Of: «CareOf» «ELSE IF Deceased»Sir/Madam «ELSE IF LegalCreditCheckLess100Greater0» «IF PSalutation»«PSalutation»«ENDIF» «PFirstName» «PLastName»«IF PSuffix»«PSuffix»«ENDIF» and «IFSSalutation»«SSalutation»«ENDIF» «SFirstName» «SLastName»«IF SSuffix» «SSuffix»«ENDIF» «ELSE IF LegalCreditCheck100» «IF LegalCreditSalutation»«LegalCreditSalutation»«ENDIF» «LegalCreditFirstName» «LegalCreditLastName» «IF LegalCreditSuffix» «LegalCreditSuffix»«ENDIF»«ENDIF» «IF MailingLine1»«MailingLine1»«ENDIF» «IF MailingLine2»«MailingLine2»«ENDIF» «IF MailingLine3»«MailingLine3»«ENDIF» «IF City»«City»«ENDIF» «State» «PostCode» «Country» |
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Salutation | «SalutationJava» |
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Body | Thank you on behalf of the University of Sydney for your donation of «GiftAmount» to support «IF DFN2»«DFN1»«ELSE IF DFN1»«DFN1».«ENDIF»«IF DFN3», «DFN2»«ELSE IF DFN2» and «DFN2».«ENDIF»«IF DFN4», «DFN3»«ELSE IF DFN3», and «DFN3».«ENDIF» «IF DFN5», «DFN4»«ELSE IF DFN4», and «DFN4».«ENDIF»«IF DFN5», and «DFN5».«ENDIF»Please find below your official University tax receipt. «IF SpecialWording»«SpecialWording»«ELSE»The University of Sydney is a vibrant teaching and research institution dedicated to solving real world problems. Your gift will help us to ignite the potential of our brightest minds. For generations we have recognised the power of education to lead change. With your help, we will continue this tradition of creating a community where individuals and their ideas can flourish.«ENDIF» |
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Date | «IF Pledge»«LastPaymentDate»«ELSE»«GiftDate»«ENDIF» |
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Received from | «GiftRecognitionCredit» |
Flow: Gift Pledge Update - V6 Trigger: Gift/Pledge Created or Edited If GRC exist: concatenate contacts’: Contact.Receipt Name or Contact.FirstName Contact.LastName else: Account.Account Name Gift Pledge Update - V6 | |||||
Amount | «GiftAmount» |
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Receipt | «ReceiptNum» |
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«COADesignation» |
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Email Recipient | Receipt.Receipt Email | AQB__Receipt__c.AQC_Receipt_Email__c which is a formula: If the Contact email is blank or the Account is not a household, this will display the Account email, otherwise it will display the Contact email. IF(ISBLANK(AQB__ContactId__r.Email),AQB__AccountId__r.AQB__Email__c, AQB__ContactId__r.Email) |