Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Calculated Step step filter


Run the mail merge in test mode.

Once the receipts are generated in test mode, compare each recept to the masterfile.

Check for:

·         The date range is for the correct financial year

·         The payments are in date order

·         Donors with 2 pledges should have 2 receipts

·         Mulit designation pledges should have 1 receipt with both designations

·         Donors from a household should only be addressed to the legal credit

·         Joint donors should only have one joint receipt

·         Soft credit should not be visible

·         Duplicate receipts should be deleted and GRC checked

·         Address is populated


Ammend the wording in the email to donors to ensure it’s correct financial year – This needs to be done by the DRS team.

Send a test email to yourself to see the output


Send the email consolidated receipts (may need to manually check for duplicates again before they are sent).

Mail merge settings:



The gifts inbox is CC’d in all the email receipts so you can check the output matches the mail merge.

Create new folders each year and move the emails into the receipts or receipts undeliverable folders:


Try to email undeliverable receipts again manually, if it does not work then mark email as invalid and mail the receipt in the post.

Print and post the non-email consolidated receipts.

Update Print and Sent date on all receipt objects – DRS team.