The purpose of this trigger framework is to follow the same implementation across all triggers that may be implemented in University of Sydney’s Salesforce instance.
Base Components
The base components of the trigger frame includes:
USYD_Trigger_Setting__mdt custom metadata type and its fields, namely:
After_Delete__c - checkbox to control whether the after delete event will be executed.
After_Insert__c - checkbox to control whether the after insert event will be executed.
After_Undelete__c - checkbox to control whether the after insert event will be executed.
After_Update__c - checkbox to control whether the after insert event will be executed.
Before_Delete__c - checkbox to control whether the after insert event will be executed.
Before_Insert__c - checkbox to control whether the after insert event will be executed.
Before_Update__c - checkbox to control whether the after insert event will be executed.
USYD_System_Config__c.Trigger_Handler_Logging__c field - checkbox field whether to control whether to log trigger handler invocation. SM_ApplicationLog class is used for logging.
The Base Class
The trigger handler base class contains the core methods to