Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Table of Contents


  1. Transaction.Receipt Number field has to be null in order for the transaction to be looked at (links the transaction to the receipt, if this field is populated, the utility assumes a receipt has already been generated)

  2. On transaction type has to be Grant Payment or Payment

  3. Method can't be soft credit, transfer or service

  4. If using the start and end dates, note that it is based on the UTC time of creation date of the transaction, not the transaction date.


when you have loaded the utility, and something has changed (i.e. new transactions created or update happened to transactions), any changes would not reflect in the utility unless you refresh the utility page. That means, the find transaction to receipt button may not pickup newly created transactions so make sure you refreshed the page.


Merge Document (Doc template)

Jarvis (Apsona) - Field Mapping




«IF CareOf»«AccountName»

«ELSE IF AccrecordType !="Household"»


«IF CareOf»Care Of: «CareOf»

«ELSE IF Deceased»Sir/Madam

«ELSE IF LegalCreditCheckLess100Greater0»

«IF PSalutation»«PSalutation»«ENDIF»

«PFirstName» «PLastName»«IF PSuffix»«PSuffix»«ENDIF»

and «IFSSalutation»«SSalutation»«ENDIF»

«SFirstName» «SLastName»«IF SSuffix» «SSuffix»«ENDIF»

«ELSE IF LegalCreditCheck100»

«IF LegalCreditSalutation»«LegalCreditSalutation»«ENDIF»

«LegalCreditFirstName» «LegalCreditLastName»

«IF LegalCreditSuffix» «LegalCreditSuffix»«ENDIF»«ENDIF»

«IF MailingLine1»«MailingLine1»«ENDIF»

«IF MailingLine2»«MailingLine2»«ENDIF»

«IF MailingLine3»«MailingLine3»«ENDIF»

«IF City»«City»«ENDIF» «State» «PostCode»


  • "CareOf":"Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___USYD_Receipting_Care_of__c"

  • "AccrecordType":"Account____RecordTypeId"

  • "AccountName":"Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___Name"

  • "Deceased":"Receipt____AQB__ContactId__c___AQB__Deceased__c"

  • "LegalCreditCheckLess100Greater0":"Calculated_Steps____>0<100"
    where >0<100 :
    ({!Gift Recognition Credit.Gift Recognition Credit.Legal Credit %} > 0) &&
    ({!Gift Recognition Credit.Gift Recognition Credit.Legal Credit %} < 100) ? "PS" : ""

  • "LegalCreditCheck100": "Calculated_Steps____100%"
    where 100% :
    ({!Gift Recognition Credit.Gift Recognition Credit.Legal Credit %}==100) ? "C" : ""

  • "PSalutation": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___Salutation"

  • "PFirstName": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___FirstName"

  • "PLastName": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___LastName"

  • "PSuffix": "Account____AQB__PrimaryContact__c___Suffix"

  • "SSalutation": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___Salutation"

  • "SFirstName": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___FirstName"

  • "SLastName": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___LastName"

  • "SSuffix": "Account____AQB__SecondaryContact__c___Suffix"

  • "LegalCreditSalutation": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___Salutation"

  • "LegalCreditFirstName": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___FirstName"

  • "LegalCreditLastName": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___LastName"

  • "LegalCreditSuffix": "Gift_Recognition_Credit____AQB__ContactId__c___Suffix"

  • "MailingLine1": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineOne__c"

  • "MailingLine2": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineTwo__c"

  • "MailingLine3": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineThree__c"

  • "City": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingCity"

  • "State": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingState"

  • "PostCode": "Receipt____AQB__AccountId__c___BillingPostalCode"



Code Block
(function () {
	// define all  merge fields to be used as variables for shorter reference
	var accountType = {!Account.Account.Account Type};
    var grclc = {!Gift Recognition Credit.Gift Recognition Credit.Legal Credit %};
	// it is actually not accurate to assume that the GRC is given to the Primary and Secondary contacts of the account.
	// it is actually possible to have the primary and secondary contact not set and still award the GRC records, in the off
	// chance that this happens to be, the receipt will print blank names on salutaion.
    var PLastName = {!Account.Primary Contact.Last Name} ? {!Account.Primary Contact.Last Name} : "";
    var PFirstName = {!Account.Primary Contact.First Name} ? {!Account.Primary Contact.First Name} : "";
    var SLastName = {!Account.Secondary Contact.Last Name} ? {!Account.Secondary Contact.Last Name} : "";
    var SFirstName = {!Account.Secondary Contact.First Name} ? {!Account.Secondary Contact.First Name} : "";
    var salutation1 = {!Account.Primary Contact.Salutation} ? {!Account.Primary Contact.Salutation} : "";
    var salutation2 = {!Account.Secondary Contact.Salutation} ? {!Account.Secondary Contact.Salutation} : "";
    var careof = {!Receipt.Account.Receipting Care of};
    var method = 0;
	var PstandaloneSal = {!Contact Primary.Salutation Link.Standalone Salutation};
	var SstandaloneSal = {!Contact Secondary.Salutation Link.Standalone Salutation};
	// if standalone salutation, don't print the names
	if (PstandaloneSal) {
		PLastName = "";
		PFirstName = "";
	// if standalone salutation, don't print the names
	if (SstandaloneSal) {
		SLastName = "";
		SFirstName = "";
    if (grclc == 100) {
		// only one contact gets legal credit, we get the first GRC record and the credit contact of that GRC Record
        PLastName = {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.Last Name} ? {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.Last Name} : "";
        PFirstName = {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.First Name} ? {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.First Name} : "";
		// if standalone salutation, don't print the names
		if (PstandaloneSal) {
			PLastName = "";
			PFirstName = "";
        salutation1 = {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.Salutation} ? {!Gift Recognition Credit.Contact Credited.Salutation} : "";
		// second contact is blank
		salutation2 = "";
        SLastName = "";
        SFirstName = "";

    // if no salutation to either of the two contacts, set the Method : use first name or Supporter
	if ((PLastName != "" && salutation1 == "") || (SLastName != "" && salutation2 == "")){
        if (PFirstName != "" && PFirstName.length > 1 && SFirstName == ""){ // one contact, first name is not one character, 
            method = 1; // use first name
        } else if (PFirstName != "" && PFirstName.length > 1 && SFirstName != "" && SFirstName.length > 1){ // two contacts, first name is not one character
            method = 1; // use first name for both contacts
        } else {
            method = 2; // no salutation and no first name, use Dear Supporter
	// Household and two contact same surname - Dear Mr Ryan and Mrs Francesca Bryant
    if ((accountType == 'Household') && (grclc < 100) && (PLastName == SLastName)) {
                case 1: // Dear Ryan and Francesca Bryant
                    return (PFirstName + " " + "and" + " " + SFirstName + " " + SLastName);
                case 2: // Dear Supporter
                    return ("Supporter");
                default: // Dear Mr and Mrs Bryant or Dear Chancellor and Mrs Bryant
                    return (salutation1 + " " + "and" + " " + salutation2 + " " + SLastName);
    // Household and two contact different surname - Dear Mr Ryan Bryant and Mrs Francesca Parkes
    } else if ((accountType == 'Household') && (grclc < 100) &&  (PLastName != SLastName)) {
                    case 1: // Dear Ryan and Francesca
                        return (PFirstName + " " + "and" + " " + SFirstName);
                    case 2: // Dear Supporter
                        return ("Supporter");
                    default: // Dear Mr Bryant and Mrs Parkes or Dear Chancellor and Mrs Parkes
                        return (salutation1 + " " + PLastName + " " + "and" + " " + salutation2 + " " + SLastName);
			// Not Household with careof
            } else if ((accountType != 'Household') && (careof)){
                    return ({!Receipt.Account.Receipting Care of});                        
                } else if ((accountType != 'Household')){
                            return ("Sir/ Madam");
                } else if ((grclc == 100)){ // Household and only one LC
                            case 1: // Dear Ryan
                                return (PFirstName);
                            case 2: // Dear Supporter
                                return ("Supporter");
                            default: // Dear Mr Bryant or Dear Chancellor
                                return (salutation1 + " " + PLastName);
                } else {
                    return "";



«IF Pledge»«LastPaymentDate»«ELSE»«GiftDate»«ENDIF»

  • "LastPaymentDate": "Receipt__value__USYD_Gift_Date__c"

  • "GiftDate": "Receipt__value__AQB__GiftDate__c"

Received from


  • "GiftRecognitionCredit": "Receipt____AQB__GiftId__c___GRC_roll_up__c"

Flow: Gift Pledge Update - V6

Trigger: Gift/Pledge Created or Edited

If GRC exist:

concatenate contacts’:

Contact.Receipt Name


Contact.FirstName Contact.LastName


Account.Account Name

Gift Pledge Update - V6



  • "GiftAmount": "Receipt____AQB__Amount__c"



  • "ReceiptNum": "Receipt____Name"


  • "COADesignation": "Receipt____USYD_Transaction_COA_Acc_Num_Roll_Up__c"

Email Recipient

Receipt.Receipt Email


which is a formula:

If the Contact email is blank or the Account is not a household, this will display the Account email, otherwise it will display the Contact email.

IF(ISBLANK(AQB__ContactId__r.Email),AQB__AccountId__r.AQB__Email__c, AQB__ContactId__r.Email)
