Batch processing in closing an AQ Batch record are causing these issues
Multiple updates on triggering record and is causing Apex CPU Limit to exceed.
Multiple updates on triggering record and is causing duplicate updates on a single record.
Multiple updates on triggering record and is causing SOQL Limit to exceed.
Multiple updates on triggering record and is causing SOQL Limit to exceed.
Joining accounts using the Join Utility on Contact page is causing Apex CPU Limit to exceed.
Unit testing:
When a Transaction record is created or updated, when all conditions are met:Intial records creation
Create a single batch record and create multiple batch item records across multiple accounts
different Entry Types
different Schedule Types, this is to sample multiple Transaction records to be created
Close this batch and check to see that the batch closes as expected
After successful closing of batch, confirm to see that related Gift records are created along with their corresponding transactions
Payment batch creation
Create a single batch record to create a payment across all created transactions under all the gift records in all the accounts from the intial batch created
confirm to see that all gift records' balances are 0 and transactions are created to act as payment to the intial transaction records created
Payment reversal batch creation