Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  • Found that changes will be made even if change on field is not exactly changed.


Specific testing on this flow’s added criteria to check if Usyd_Gift_Driver_Derivation__c = false can only be done through debug of the flow.

  1. Open a gift record and set Usyd_Gift_Driver_Derivation__c to false through anonymous apex.


4. Confirm that test path is as follows.



USYD Update Related Gift Implementation

Background of issue:

  • Found that changes will be made even if change on field is not exactly changedan update on GIft Implemetation record will still be done even if prior Stage is equal to 5. GI - Kick Off.


  • Add a Filter Condition in getGiftImp (Get Record): where Stage does not equal to 5. GI - Kick Off.

  1. Open a GIft Implementation record and make sure Stage is not 5. GI - Kick Off and Gift Pledge field is NOT populated with a GIft record.

  2. Navigate to the related Opportunity record and open any of its related Gift record.

  3. Do an update on the Gift record on any fields and save.

  4. Check the Gift Implementation record that the Stage is updated to 5. GI - Kick Off and Gift/Pledge field is populated.

    Image Added


USYD Update Pledge Status (subflow)
