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How did we migrate the Old Names from Advance.

For Household Contacts, former names were migrated to AQB__Names__c object with type “Legacy system Former Name”


For Organization Accounts, former names were not migrate to AQB__AccountNames__c as the practice in Advance was to duplicate the Account to represent a new name. As per Yeng, there was no deduplication done when we migrated those Accounts.

Objects to store Alternate Name


What are the possible ways we can represent a former name or Trade As Name of an Organization Account?


Trade As Name where it has been created as a different account for receipting purposes, we should be able to merge the accounts to one and have the Receipting concern solutioned accordingly.





Account to Account Relationship

Create a new account
Then subsequently create a linked Account to Account relationship that links the two accounts with current and former name or Legal and Trade As Name

  • Gifts Entry : Two account records. Old gifts can be in the old account, new gifts can be in the new account

  • Relationship Tree : By linking the two accounts, it will display in Relationship Tree. User may also forget to link the two accounts or make the incorrect relationship type.

  • Accounts : for the case of former name, you need to flag the old account so that it will not be used anymore for correspondence or any transaction

  • Alternate Account name : not used

  • Contacts : you need to transfer the contacts to the new account and this makes the old Account orphaned.

  • Receipts : TBC

  • Existing Records : review if the relationship is former name / Trade as Name. Consider migrating the former name to Alternate Name, then merge the two accounts together.

There can be use case where business chooses to create two active accounts.

there are about 1,269 240 org account to org account relationship that needs to be reviewed.

select id,RecordType.Name,,AQB__AccountId__r.AQB__AccountStatus__c,,,AQB__RelatedAccount__r.AQB__AccountStatus__c, from AQB__RelationshipAccount__c where != 'Household' and != 'Household' and != 'Non-Linked Account' and AQB__RelatedAccount__c != null


Rename the Account

On the same Account record, Change the Account Name where this is logged in AccountHistory
Then subsequently and optionally create a non-Linked Account to Account relationship that links the two accounts

  • Gifts Entry : Historical and new gifts/ transactions are in one account

  • Relationship Tree : By creating the non-linked A2A relationship, this appear in Relationship Tree. User may also forget to link the two accounts or make the incorrect relationship type.

  • Accounts : one and same account, account is renamed to its legal/current name

  • Alternate Account name : not used

  • Contacts : use the same record

  • Receipts : TBC

  • Existing Records : review the name change history and check which ones are former name and can be converted to Alternate Name

There are only 6 Acount to non linked account records

select id,RecordType.Name,,,, from AQB__RelationshipAccount__c where != 'Household' and != 'Household' and = 'Non-Linked Account'

There are 283 Account Name changes for Organization

select id, CreatedDate, Field, ,, Account.AQB__AccountType__c, NewValue, OldValue from AccountHistory where field ='TextName' and Account.RecordType.Name != 'Household'
order by AccountId


Rename the Account + Alternate Account Name

Use Alternate Account Name object that is linked to the Account to store the former/old name.

Then subsequently and optionally create a non-Linked Account to Account relationship that links the two accounts


Recommended by AQ, also being used by Carnegie Mellon University

  • Gifts Entry : Historical and new gifts/ transactions are in one account

  • Relationship Tree : By creating the non-linked A2A relationship, this appear in Relationship Tree. User may also forget to link the two accounts or make the incorrect relationship type.

  • Accounts : one and same account, account is renamed to its legal/current name

  • Alternate Account name : will contain records of former/trade as name

  • Contacts : use the same record

  • Receipts : TBC

  • Existing Records : review if valid

There are only 17 records

select id, AQB__Type__c, AQB__AccountId__r.Name from AQB__AccountNames__c

What are the possible ways we can represent a former name of a Household Account?





Names object

  • Gifts Entry - use same record

  • Account - name is automatically formulated by account naming definition unless there is an override

  • Contacts - use the same record. Maiden name has its own field on contact

  • Alternate Account Name - optionally user can maintain

  • Names - store the previous name of contact

For a shared Account/Contact, Need to communicate with WB for how they would store previous name (Or who should cater for the changes in names, WB or TAP)