Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

You can find the job scripts and instructions for running the following pipelines at the links below:

  1. /wiki/spaces/FN/pages/2557411524

  2. /wiki/spaces/FN/pages/2558722126 (requires slightly more set up but will work better in most cases).

  3. /wiki/spaces/FN/pages/2558722126.

  4. /wiki/spaces/FN/pages/2556985575

** I need to add synb0 ref files set up + edit ref_path into these instructions. **


Date updated

Scripts updated

Section updated




Run Synb0

Changed save location of b0 in dwiextract to tmp_dir so it doesn’t save over itself when re-grid in the next step. This was creating blank b0 files in the INPUTS directory for some scans.




Note added to the bottom of the script providing an alternative masking step in case dwi2mask doesn’t do a good job (FSL’s BET tool).


All scripts with XNAT download

Download scans from XNAT

xnatutils needs to be installed in a python environment now rather than being loaded as a module. Instructions to create the python environment in the users home directory have been added and module load replaced with activating the environment.