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XNAT is an open source imaging informatics platform developed by the Neuroinformatics Research Group at Washington University. It facilitates storing, securing, organization, sharing, viewing and downloading of imaging (and associated) data. XNAT.Sydney (called part of the Imaging Data Service) is an XNAT database used to store imaging data at the University of Sydney. The data is organised into projects owned by different investigators. The ForeFront Frontier FTD project (project ID: FRONTIER) holds all of Frontier’s MRI scans.

The following are simple instructions on how to access, find, view and download data from Frontier’s project in XNAT.Sydney (Imaging Data Service). Further information can be found in the Imaging Data Service user guide, and on the XNAT wiki page, linked below.


University of Sydney Staff can log in to XNAT using their UniKey. Just select “USYD_Unikey” from the LOGIN dropdown menu and then put in your details. To gain access to the FRONTIER project in XNAT you someone will need to request access from someone with the privileges to grant accessadd you as a member or a collaborator. Please email Sophie and Ramon if you require access ( &

You can log in here.

